Package reference
Base class for extractors
- class cognite.extractorutils.Extractor(*, name: str, description: str, version: str | None = None, run_handle: Callable[[CogniteClient, AbstractStateStore, CustomConfigClass, CancellationToken], None] | None = None, config_class: type[CustomConfigClass], metrics: BaseMetrics | None = None, use_default_state_store: bool = True, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, config_file_path: str | None = None, continuous_extractor: bool = False, heartbeat_waiting_time: int = 600, handle_interrupts: bool = True, reload_config_interval: int | None = 300, reload_config_action: ReloadConfigAction = ReloadConfigAction.DO_NOTHING)[source]
]Base class for extractors.
When used as a context manager, the Extractor class will parse command line arguments, load a configuration file, set up everything needed for the extractor to run, and call the
. If the extractor raises an exception, the exception will be handled by the Extractor class and logged and reported as an error.- Parameters:
name – Name of the extractor, how it’s invoked from the command line.
description – A short 1-2 sentence description of the extractor.
version – Version number, following semantic versioning.
run_handle – A function to call when setup is done that runs the extractor, taking a cognite client, state store config object and a shutdown event as arguments.
config_class – A class (based on the BaseConfig class) that defines the configuration schema for the extractor
metrics – Metrics collection, a default one with be created if omitted.
use_default_state_store – Create a simple instance of the LocalStateStore to provide to the run handle. If false a NoStateStore will be created in its place.
cancellation_token – An event that will be set when the extractor should shut down, an empty one will be created if omitted.
config_file_path – If supplied, the extractor will not use command line arguments to get a config file, but rather use the supplied path.
continuous_extractor – If True, extractor will both successful start and end time. Else, only show run on exit.
heartbeat_waiting_time – Time interval between each heartbeat to the extraction pipeline in seconds.
- classmethod get_current_statestore() AbstractStateStore [source]
- Utilities for reading, parsing and validating config files
The configtools
module exists of tools for loading and verifying config files for extractors.
Extractor configurations are conventionally written in hyphen-cased YAML. These are typically loaded and serialized as dataclasses in Python.
Config loader
- cognite.extractorutils.configtools.load_yaml(source: TextIO | str, config_type: type[CustomConfigClass], case_style: str = 'hyphen', expand_envvars: bool = True, keyvault_loader: KeyVaultLoader | None = None) CustomConfigClass [source]
Read a YAML file, and create a config object based on its contents.
- Parameters:
source – Input stream (as returned by open(…)) or string containing YAML.
config_type – Class of config type (i.e. your custom subclass of BaseConfig).
case_style – Casing convention of config file. Valid options are ‘snake’, ‘hyphen’ or ‘camel’. Should be ‘hyphen’.
expand_envvars – Substitute values with the pattern ${VAR} with the content of the environment variable VAR
keyvault_loader – Pre-built loader for keyvault tags. Will be loaded from config if not set.
- Returns:
An initialized config object.
- Raises:
InvalidConfigError – If any config field is given as an invalid type, is missing or is unknown
- cognite.extractorutils.configtools.load_yaml_dict(source: TextIO | str, case_style: str = 'hyphen', expand_envvars: bool = True, keyvault_loader: KeyVaultLoader | None = None) dict[str, Any] [source]
Read a YAML file and return a dictionary from its contents
- Parameters:
source – Input stream (as returned by open(…)) or string containing YAML.
case_style – Casing convention of config file. Valid options are ‘snake’, ‘hyphen’ or ‘camel’. Should be ‘hyphen’.
expand_envvars – Substitute values with the pattern ${VAR} with the content of the environment variable VAR
keyvault_loader – Pre-built loader for keyvault tags. Will be loaded from config if not set.
- Returns:
A raw dict with the contents of the config file.
- Raises:
InvalidConfigError – If any config field is given as an invalid type, is missing or is unknown
Base classes
The configtools
module contains several prebuilt config classes for many common parameters. The class BaseConfig
is intended as a starting point for a custom configuration schema, containing parameters for config version, CDF connection and logging.
class ExtractorConfig:
state_store: Optional[StateStoreConfig]
class SourceConfig:
class MyConfig(BaseConfig):
extractor: ExtractorConfig
source: SourceConfig
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.BaseConfig(type: ConfigType | None, cognite: CogniteConfig, version: str | int | None, logger: LoggingConfig)[source]
Basis for an extractor config, containing config version,
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.CogniteConfig(project: str, idp_authentication: ~cognite.extractorutils.configtools.elements.AuthenticatorConfig, data_set: ~cognite.extractorutils.configtools.elements.EitherIdConfig | None = None, data_set_id: int | None = None, data_set_external_id: str | None = None, extraction_pipeline: ~cognite.extractorutils.configtools.elements.EitherIdConfig | None = None, timeout: ~cognite.extractorutils.configtools.elements.TimeIntervalConfig = 30s, connection: ~cognite.extractorutils.configtools.elements.ConnectionConfig = <factory>, security_categories: list[int] | None = None, external_id_prefix: str = '', host: str = '')[source]
Configuration parameters for CDF connection, such as project name, host address and authentication
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.EitherIdConfig(id: int | None, external_id: str | None)[source]
Configuration parameter representing an ID in CDF, which can either be an external or internal ID. An EitherId can only hold one ID type, not both.
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.ConnectionConfig(disable_gzip: bool = False, status_forcelist: list[int] = <factory>, max_retries: int = 10, max_retries_connect: int = 3, max_retry_backoff: int = 30, max_connection_pool_size: int = 50, disable_ssl: bool = False, proxies: dict[str, str] = <factory>)[source]
Configuration parameters for the global_config python SDK settings
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.AuthenticatorConfig(client_id: str, scopes: list[str], secret: str | None = None, tenant: str | None = None, token_url: str | None = None, resource: str | None = None, audience: str | None = None, authority: str = '', min_ttl: float = 30, certificate: CertificateConfig | None = None)[source]
Configuration parameters for an OIDC flow
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.CertificateConfig(path: str, password: str | None, authority_url: str | None = None)[source]
Configuration parameters for certificates
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.LoggingConfig(console: _ConsoleLoggingConfig | None, file: _FileLoggingConfig | None, metrics: bool | None = False)[source]
Logging settings, such as log levels and path to log file
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.MetricsConfig(push_gateways: list[_PushGatewayConfig] | None, cognite: _CogniteMetricsConfig | None, server: _PromServerConfig | None)[source]
Destination(s) for metrics, including options for one or several Prometheus push gateways, and pushing as CDF Time Series.
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.RawDestinationConfig(database: str, table: str)[source]
Configuration parameters for using Raw
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.StateStoreConfig(raw: RawStateStoreConfig | None = None, local: LocalStateStoreConfig | None = None)[source]
Configuration of the State Store, containing
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.RawStateStoreConfig(database: str, table: str, upload_interval: ~cognite.extractorutils.configtools.elements.TimeIntervalConfig = 30s)[source]
Configuration of a state store based on CDF RAW
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.LocalStateStoreConfig(path: str, save_interval: ~cognite.extractorutils.configtools.elements.TimeIntervalConfig = 30s)[source]
Configuration of a state store using a local JSON file
- class cognite.extractorutils.configtools.TimeIntervalConfig(expression: str)[source]
Configuration parameter for setting a time interval
- Automatic pushers of performance metrics
Module containing tools for pushers for metric reporting.
The classes in this module scrape the default Prometheus registry and uploads it periodically to either a Prometheus push gateway, or to CDF as time series.
The BaseMetrics
class forms the basis for a metrics collection for an extractor, containing some general metrics
that all extractors should report. To create your own set of metrics, subclass this class and populate it with
extractor-specific metrics, as such:
class MyMetrics(BaseMetrics):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(extractor_name="my_extractor", extractor_version=__version__)
self.a_counter = Counter("my_extractor_example_counter", "An example counter")
The metrics module also contains some Pusher classes that are used to routinely send metrics to a
remote server, these can be automatically created with the start_pushers
method described in
- class cognite.extractorutils.metrics.AbstractMetricsPusher(push_interval: int | None = None, thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Base class for metric pushers. Metric pushers spawns a thread that routinely pushes metrics to a configured destination.
Contains all the logic for starting and running threads.
- Parameters:
push_interval – Seconds between each upload call
thread_name – Name of thread to start. If omitted, a standard name such as Thread-4 will be generated.
cancellation_token – Event object to be used as a thread cancelation event
- class cognite.extractorutils.metrics.BaseMetrics(extractor_name: str, extractor_version: str, process_scrape_interval: float = 15)[source]
Base collection of extractor metrics. The class also spawns a collector thread on init that regularly fetches process information and update the
gauges.To create a set of metrics for an extractor, create a subclass of this class.
Note that only one instance of this class (or any subclass) can exist simultaneously
- The collection includes the following metrics:
startup: Startup time (unix epoch)
finish: Finish time (unix epoch)
process_num_threads Number of active threads. Set automatically.
process_memory_bytes Memory usage of extractor. Set automatically.
process_cpu_percent CPU usage of extractor. Set automatically.
- Parameters:
extractor_name – Name of extractor, used to prefix metric names
process_scrape_interval – Interval (in seconds) between each fetch of data for the
- class cognite.extractorutils.metrics.CognitePusher(cdf_client: CogniteClient, external_id_prefix: str, push_interval: int, asset: Asset | None = None, data_set: EitherId | None = None, thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Pusher to CDF. Creates time series in CDF for all Gauges and Counters in the default Prometheus registry.
Optional contextualization with an Asset to make the time series observable in Asset Data Insight. The given asset will be created at root level in the tenant if it doesn’t already exist.
- Parameters:
cdf_client – The CDF tenant to upload time series to
external_id_prefix – Unique external ID prefix for this pusher.
push_interval – Seconds between each upload call
asset – Optional contextualization.
data_set – Data set the metrics timeseries created under.
thread_name – Name of thread to start. If omitted, a standard name such as Thread-4 will be generated.
cancellation_token – Event object to be used as a thread cancelation event
- start() None
Starts a thread that pushes the default registry to the configured gateway at certain intervals.
- stop() None
Stop the push loop.
- class cognite.extractorutils.metrics.PrometheusPusher(job_name: str, url: str, push_interval: int, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Pusher to a Prometheus push gateway.
- Parameters:
job_name – Prometheus job name
username – Push gateway credentials
password – Push gateway credentials
url – URL (with portnum) of push gateway
push_interval – Seconds between each upload call
thread_name – Name of thread to start. If omitted, a standard name such as Thread-4 will be generated.
cancellation_token – Event object to be used as a thread cancelation event
- start() None
Starts a thread that pushes the default registry to the configured gateway at certain intervals.
- stop() None
Stop the push loop.
- cognite.extractorutils.metrics.safe_get(cls: type[T], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) T [source]
A factory for instances of metrics collections.
Since Prometheus doesn’t allow multiple metrics with the same name, any subclass of BaseMetrics must never be created more than once. This function creates an instance of the given class on the first call and stores it, any subsequent calls with the same class as argument will return the same instance.
>>> a = safe_get(MyMetrics) # This will create a new instance of MyMetrics >>> b = safe_get(MyMetrics) # This will return the same instance >>> a is b True
- Parameters:
cls – Metrics class to either create or get a cached version of
- Returns:
An instance of given class
- Storing extractor state between runs locally or remotely
- class cognite.extractorutils.statestore.AbstractHashStateStore(save_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
- abstract initialize(force: bool = False) None
Get states from remote store
- start(initialize: bool = True) None
Start saving state periodically if save_interval is set. This calls the synchronize method every save_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_synchronize: bool = True) None
Stop synchronize thread if running, and ensure state is saved if ensure_synchronize is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_synchronize (bool) – (Optional). Call synchronize one last time after shutting down thread.
- abstract synchronize() None
Upload states to remote store
- class cognite.extractorutils.statestore.AbstractStateStore(save_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Base class for a state store.
- Parameters:
save_interval – Automatically trigger synchronize each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log synchronize triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of synchronize thread.
cancellation_token – Token to cancel event from elsewhere. Cancelled when stop is called.
- delete_state(external_id: str) None [source]
Delete an external ID from the state store.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID to remove
- expand_state(external_id: str, low: Any | None = None, high: Any | None = None) None [source]
Like set_state, but only sets state if the proposed state is outside the stored state. That is if e.g. low is lower than the stored low.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of e.g. time series to store state of
low – Low watermark
high – High watermark
- get_state(external_id: str | list[str]) tuple[Any, Any] | list[tuple[Any, Any]] [source]
Get state(s) for external ID(s)
- Parameters:
external_id – An external ID or list of external IDs to get states for
- Returns:
A tuple with (low, high) watermarks, or a list of tuples
- abstract initialize(force: bool = False) None
Get states from remote store
- outside_state(external_id: str, new_state: Any) bool [source]
Check if a new proposed state is outside state interval (ie, if a new datapoint should be processed).
Returns true if new_state is outside of stored state or if external_id is previously unseen.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID to test
new_state – Proposed new state to test
- Returns:
True if new_state is higher than the stored high watermark or lower than the low watermark.
- post_upload_handler() Callable[[list[dict[str, str | list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]]]], None] [source]
Get a callable suitable for passing to a time series upload queue as post_upload_function, that will automatically update the states in this state store when that upload queue is uploading.
- Returns:
A function that expands the current states with the values given
- set_state(external_id: str, low: Any | None = None, high: Any | None = None) None [source]
Set/update state of a singe external ID.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of e.g. time series to store state of
low – Low watermark
high – High watermark
- start(initialize: bool = True) None
Start saving state periodically if save_interval is set. This calls the synchronize method every save_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_synchronize: bool = True) None
Stop synchronize thread if running, and ensure state is saved if ensure_synchronize is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_synchronize (bool) – (Optional). Call synchronize one last time after shutting down thread.
- abstract synchronize() None
Upload states to remote store
- class cognite.extractorutils.statestore.LocalHashStateStore(file_path: str, save_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
- get_state(external_id: str) str | None
- has_changed(external_id: str, data: dict[str, Any]) bool
- initialize(force: bool = False) None [source]
Load states from specified JSON file
- Parameters:
force – Enable re-initialization, ie overwrite when called multiple times
- set_state(external_id: str, data: dict[str, Any]) None
- start(initialize: bool = True) None
Start saving state periodically if save_interval is set. This calls the synchronize method every save_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_synchronize: bool = True) None
Stop synchronize thread if running, and ensure state is saved if ensure_synchronize is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_synchronize (bool) – (Optional). Call synchronize one last time after shutting down thread.
- class cognite.extractorutils.statestore.LocalStateStore(file_path: str, save_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
An extractor state store using a local JSON file as backend.
- Parameters:
file_path – File path to JSON file to use
save_interval – Automatically trigger synchronize each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log synchronize triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of synchronize thread.
cancellation_token – Token to cancel event from elsewhere. Cancelled when stop is called.
- delete_state(external_id: str) None
Delete an external ID from the state store.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID to remove
- expand_state(external_id: str, low: Any | None = None, high: Any | None = None) None
Like set_state, but only sets state if the proposed state is outside the stored state. That is if e.g. low is lower than the stored low.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of e.g. time series to store state of
low – Low watermark
high – High watermark
- get_state(external_id: str | list[str]) tuple[Any, Any] | list[tuple[Any, Any]]
Get state(s) for external ID(s)
- Parameters:
external_id – An external ID or list of external IDs to get states for
- Returns:
A tuple with (low, high) watermarks, or a list of tuples
- initialize(force: bool = False) None [source]
Load states from specified JSON file
- Parameters:
force – Enable re-initialization, ie overwrite when called multiple times
- outside_state(external_id: str, new_state: Any) bool
Check if a new proposed state is outside state interval (ie, if a new datapoint should be processed).
Returns true if new_state is outside of stored state or if external_id is previously unseen.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID to test
new_state – Proposed new state to test
- Returns:
True if new_state is higher than the stored high watermark or lower than the low watermark.
- post_upload_handler() Callable[[list[dict[str, str | list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]]]], None]
Get a callable suitable for passing to a time series upload queue as post_upload_function, that will automatically update the states in this state store when that upload queue is uploading.
- Returns:
A function that expands the current states with the values given
- set_state(external_id: str, low: Any | None = None, high: Any | None = None) None
Set/update state of a singe external ID.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of e.g. time series to store state of
low – Low watermark
high – High watermark
- start(initialize: bool = True) None
Start saving state periodically if save_interval is set. This calls the synchronize method every save_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_synchronize: bool = True) None
Stop synchronize thread if running, and ensure state is saved if ensure_synchronize is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_synchronize (bool) – (Optional). Call synchronize one last time after shutting down thread.
- class cognite.extractorutils.statestore.NoStateStore[source]
A state store that only keeps states in memory and never stores or initializes from external sources.
- delete_state(external_id: str) None
Delete an external ID from the state store.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID to remove
- expand_state(external_id: str, low: Any | None = None, high: Any | None = None) None
Like set_state, but only sets state if the proposed state is outside the stored state. That is if e.g. low is lower than the stored low.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of e.g. time series to store state of
low – Low watermark
high – High watermark
- get_state(external_id: str | list[str]) tuple[Any, Any] | list[tuple[Any, Any]]
Get state(s) for external ID(s)
- Parameters:
external_id – An external ID or list of external IDs to get states for
- Returns:
A tuple with (low, high) watermarks, or a list of tuples
- outside_state(external_id: str, new_state: Any) bool
Check if a new proposed state is outside state interval (ie, if a new datapoint should be processed).
Returns true if new_state is outside of stored state or if external_id is previously unseen.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID to test
new_state – Proposed new state to test
- Returns:
True if new_state is higher than the stored high watermark or lower than the low watermark.
- post_upload_handler() Callable[[list[dict[str, str | list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]]]], None]
Get a callable suitable for passing to a time series upload queue as post_upload_function, that will automatically update the states in this state store when that upload queue is uploading.
- Returns:
A function that expands the current states with the values given
- set_state(external_id: str, low: Any | None = None, high: Any | None = None) None
Set/update state of a singe external ID.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of e.g. time series to store state of
low – Low watermark
high – High watermark
- start(initialize: bool = True) None
Start saving state periodically if save_interval is set. This calls the synchronize method every save_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_synchronize: bool = True) None
Stop synchronize thread if running, and ensure state is saved if ensure_synchronize is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_synchronize (bool) – (Optional). Call synchronize one last time after shutting down thread.
- class cognite.extractorutils.statestore.RawHashStateStore(cdf_client: CogniteClient, database: str, table: str, save_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
- get_state(external_id: str) str | None
- has_changed(external_id: str, data: dict[str, Any]) bool
- set_state(external_id: str, data: dict[str, Any]) None
- start(initialize: bool = True) None
Start saving state periodically if save_interval is set. This calls the synchronize method every save_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_synchronize: bool = True) None
Stop synchronize thread if running, and ensure state is saved if ensure_synchronize is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_synchronize (bool) – (Optional). Call synchronize one last time after shutting down thread.
- class cognite.extractorutils.statestore.RawStateStore(cdf_client: CogniteClient, database: str, table: str, save_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
An extractor state store based on CDF RAW.
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite client to use
database – Name of CDF database
table – Name of CDF table
save_interval – Automatically trigger synchronize each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log synchronize triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of synchronize thread.
cancellation_token – Token to cancel event from elsewhere. Cancelled when stop is called.
- delete_state(external_id: str) None
Delete an external ID from the state store.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID to remove
- expand_state(external_id: str, low: Any | None = None, high: Any | None = None) None
Like set_state, but only sets state if the proposed state is outside the stored state. That is if e.g. low is lower than the stored low.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of e.g. time series to store state of
low – Low watermark
high – High watermark
- get_state(external_id: str | list[str]) tuple[Any, Any] | list[tuple[Any, Any]]
Get state(s) for external ID(s)
- Parameters:
external_id – An external ID or list of external IDs to get states for
- Returns:
A tuple with (low, high) watermarks, or a list of tuples
- outside_state(external_id: str, new_state: Any) bool
Check if a new proposed state is outside state interval (ie, if a new datapoint should be processed).
Returns true if new_state is outside of stored state or if external_id is previously unseen.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID to test
new_state – Proposed new state to test
- Returns:
True if new_state is higher than the stored high watermark or lower than the low watermark.
- post_upload_handler() Callable[[list[dict[str, str | list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]]]], None]
Get a callable suitable for passing to a time series upload queue as post_upload_function, that will automatically update the states in this state store when that upload queue is uploading.
- Returns:
A function that expands the current states with the values given
- set_state(external_id: str, low: Any | None = None, high: Any | None = None) None
Set/update state of a singe external ID.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of e.g. time series to store state of
low – Low watermark
high – High watermark
- start(initialize: bool = True) None
Start saving state periodically if save_interval is set. This calls the synchronize method every save_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_synchronize: bool = True) None
Stop synchronize thread if running, and ensure state is saved if ensure_synchronize is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_synchronize (bool) – (Optional). Call synchronize one last time after shutting down thread.
- Batching upload queues with automatic upload triggers
Module containing upload queue classes. The UploadQueue classes chunks together items and uploads them together to CDF, both to minimize the load on the API, and also to speed up uploading as requests can be slow.
Each upload queue comes with some configurable conditions that, when met, automatically triggers an upload.
Note: You cannot assume that an element is uploaded when it is added to the queue, since the upload may be delayed. To ensure that everything is uploaded you should set the post_upload_function callback to verify. For example, for a time series queue you might want to check the latest time stamp, as such (assuming incremental time stamps and using timestamp-value tuples as data point format):
You can create an upload queue manually like this:
queue = TimeSeriesUploadQueue(cdf_client=my_cognite_client)
and then call queue.upload()
to upload all data in the queue to CDF. However you could set some upload conditions
and have the queue perform the uploads automatically, for example:
client = CogniteClient()
upload_queue = TimeSeriesUploadQueue(cdf_client=client, max_upload_interval=10)
while not stop:
timestamp, value = source.query()
upload_queue.add_to_upload_queue((timestamp, value), external_id="my-timeseries")
The max_upload_interval
specifies the maximum time (in seconds) between each API call. The upload method will be
called on stop()
as well so no datapoints are lost. You can also use the queue as a context:
client = CogniteClient()
with TimeSeriesUploadQueue(cdf_client=client, max_upload_interval=1) as upload_queue:
while not stop:
timestamp, value = source.query()
upload_queue.add_to_upload_queue((timestamp, value), external_id="my-timeseries")
This will call the start()
and stop()
methods automatically.
You can also trigger uploads after a given amount of data is added, by using the max_queue_size
keyword argument
instead. If both are used, the condition being met first will trigger the upload.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.AssetUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Any]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Upload queue for assets
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the assets that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
cancellation_token – Cancellation token
- add_to_upload_queue(asset: Asset) None [source]
Add asset to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__.
- Parameters:
asset – Asset to add
- start() None
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_upload: bool = True) None
Stop upload thread if running, and ensures that the upload queue is empty if ensure_upload is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_upload (bool) – (Optional). Call upload one last time after shutting down thread to ensure empty upload queue.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.BytesUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, overwrite_existing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ssl_verify: bool | str = True)[source]
Upload queue for bytes
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue.
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
overwrite_existing – If ‘overwrite’ is set to true, fields for the files found for externalIds can be overwritten
- add_entry_failure_logger(file_name: str, error: Exception) None
- add_io_to_upload_queue(file_meta: FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply, read_file: Callable[[], BinaryIO], extra_retries: tuple[type[Exception], ...] | dict[type[Exception], Callable[[Any], bool]] | None = None) None
Add file to upload queue. The file will start uploading immedeately. If the size of the queue is larger than the specified max size, this call will block until it’s completed the upload.
- Parameters:
file_meta – File metadata-object
file_name – Path to file to be uploaded. If none, the file object will still be created, but no data is uploaded
extra_retries – Exception types that might be raised by
that should be retried
- add_to_upload_queue(content: bytes, file_meta: FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply) None [source]
Add object to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__. :param content: bytes object to upload :param metadata: metadata for the given bytes object
- flush_failure_logger() None
- get_failure_logger() FileFailureManager | None
- initialize_failure_logging() None
- start() None
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_upload: bool = True) None
Stop upload thread if running, and ensures that the upload queue is empty if ensure_upload is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_upload (bool) – (Optional). Call upload one last time after shutting down thread to ensure empty upload queue.
- upload(fail_on_errors: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) None
Wait for all uploads to finish
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.EventUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Event]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Upload queue for events
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
- add_to_upload_queue(event: Event) None [source]
Add event to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__.
- Parameters:
event – Event to add
- start() None
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_upload: bool = True) None
Stop upload thread if running, and ensures that the upload queue is empty if ensure_upload is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_upload (bool) – (Optional). Call upload one last time after shutting down thread to ensure empty upload queue.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.FileUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, overwrite_existing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ssl_verify: bool | str = True)[source]
Upload queue for files
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue.
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
- add_entry_failure_logger(file_name: str, error: Exception) None
- add_io_to_upload_queue(file_meta: FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply, read_file: Callable[[], BinaryIO], extra_retries: tuple[type[Exception], ...] | dict[type[Exception], Callable[[Any], bool]] | None = None) None
Add file to upload queue. The file will start uploading immedeately. If the size of the queue is larger than the specified max size, this call will block until it’s completed the upload.
- Parameters:
file_meta – File metadata-object
file_name – Path to file to be uploaded. If none, the file object will still be created, but no data is uploaded
extra_retries – Exception types that might be raised by
that should be retried
- add_to_upload_queue(file_meta: FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply, file_name: str | PathLike) None [source]
Add file to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__.
- Parameters:
file_meta – File metadata-object
file_name – Path to file to be uploaded. If none, the file object will still be created, but no data is uploaded
- flush_failure_logger() None
- get_failure_logger() FileFailureManager | None
- initialize_failure_logging() None
- start() None
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_upload: bool = True) None
Stop upload thread if running, and ensures that the upload queue is empty if ensure_upload is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_upload (bool) – (Optional). Call upload one last time after shutting down thread to ensure empty upload queue.
- upload(fail_on_errors: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) None
Wait for all uploads to finish
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.IOFileUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, overwrite_existing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, max_parallelism: int | None = None, failure_logging_path: None | str = None, ssl_verify: bool | str = True)[source]
Upload queue for files using BinaryIO
Note that if the upload fails, the stream needs to be restarted, so the enqueued callback needs to produce a new IO object for each call.
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue.
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
max_parallelism – Maximum number of parallel uploads. If nothing is given, the parallelism will be capped by the max_workers of the cognite client.
ssl_verify – Either a string (path to a CA bundle) or a bool (false to turn off completely, true to use standard CA bundle)
- add_io_to_upload_queue(file_meta: FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply, read_file: Callable[[], BinaryIO], extra_retries: tuple[type[Exception], ...] | dict[type[Exception], Callable[[Any], bool]] | None = None) None [source]
Add file to upload queue. The file will start uploading immedeately. If the size of the queue is larger than the specified max size, this call will block until it’s completed the upload.
- Parameters:
file_meta – File metadata-object
file_name – Path to file to be uploaded. If none, the file object will still be created, but no data is uploaded
extra_retries – Exception types that might be raised by
that should be retried
- start() None
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_upload: bool = True) None
Stop upload thread if running, and ensures that the upload queue is empty if ensure_upload is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_upload (bool) – (Optional). Call upload one last time after shutting down thread to ensure empty upload queue.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.RawUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Any]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Upload queue for RAW
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the rows that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
- add_to_upload_queue(database: str, table: str, raw_row: Row) None [source]
Adds a row to the upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__.
- Parameters:
database – The database to upload the Raw object to
table – The table to upload the Raw object to
raw_row – The row object
- start() None
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_upload: bool = True) None
Stop upload thread if running, and ensures that the upload queue is empty if ensure_upload is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_upload (bool) – (Optional). Call upload one last time after shutting down thread to ensure empty upload queue.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.SequenceUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Any]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, create_missing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
- add_to_upload_queue(rows: dict[int, list[int | float | str]] | list[tuple[int, int | float | str]] | list[dict[str, Any]] | SequenceData | SequenceRows, column_external_ids: list[dict] | None = None, id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None) None [source]
Add sequence rows to upload queue. Mirrors implementation of SequenceApi.insert. Inserted rows will be cached until uploaded
- Parameters:
rows – The rows to be inserted. Can either be a list of tuples, a list of [“rownumber”: …, “values”: …] objects, a dictionary of rowNumber: data, or a SequenceData object.
column_external_ids – list of external id for the columns of the sequence
id – Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None
external_id – Sequence external ID Us if id is None
- set_sequence_column_definition(col_def: list[dict[str, str]], id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None) None [source]
Set sequence column definition
- Parameters:
col_def – Sequence column definition
id – Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None
external_id – Sequence external ID Us if id is None
- set_sequence_metadata(metadata: dict[str, str | int | float], id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None, asset_external_id: str | None = None, dataset_external_id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None) None [source]
Set sequence metadata. Metadata will be cached until the sequence is created. The metadata will be updated if the sequence already exists
- Parameters:
metadata – Sequence metadata
id – Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None
external_id – Sequence external ID Use if id is None
asset_external_id – Sequence asset external ID
dataset_external_id – Sequence dataset external ID
name – Sequence name
description – Sequence description
- start() None
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_upload: bool = True) None
Stop upload thread if running, and ensures that the upload queue is empty if ensure_upload is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_upload (bool) – (Optional). Call upload one last time after shutting down thread to ensure empty upload queue.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.TimeSeriesUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[dict[str, str | list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]]]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, create_missing: Callable[[str, list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]], TimeSeries] | bool = False, data_set_id: int | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Upload queue for time series
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of dicts containing the datapoints that were uploaded (on the same format as the kwargs in datapoints upload in the Cognite SDK).
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
create_missing – Create missing time series if possible (ie, if external id is used). Either given as a boolean (True would auto-create a time series with nothing but an external ID), or as a factory function taking an external ID and a list of datapoints about to be inserted and returning a TimeSeries object.
data_set_id – Data set id passed to create_missing. Does nothing if create_missing is False. If a custom timeseries creation method is set in create_missing, this is used as fallback if that method does not set data set id on its own.
- add_to_upload_queue(*, id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None, datapoints: list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]] | None = None) None [source]
Add data points to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__.
- Parameters:
id – Internal ID of time series. Either this or external_id must be set.
external_id – External ID of time series. Either this or external_id must be set.
datapoints – list of data points to add
- start() None
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- stop(ensure_upload: bool = True) None
Stop upload thread if running, and ensures that the upload queue is empty if ensure_upload is True.
- Parameters:
ensure_upload (bool) – (Optional). Call upload one last time after shutting down thread to ensure empty upload queue.
- cognite.extractorutils.uploader.default_time_series_factory(external_id: str, datapoints: list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]) TimeSeries [source]
Default time series factory used when create_missing in a TimeSeriesUploadQueue is given as a boolean.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of time series to create
datapoints – The list of datapoints that were tried to be inserted
- Returns:
A TimeSeries object with external_id set, and the is_string automatically detected
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader._base.AbstractUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Any]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Abstract uploader class.
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the elements that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
- start() None [source]
Start upload thread if max_upload_interval is set, this called the upload method every max_upload_interval seconds.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader._base.TimestampedObject(payload: Any, created: arrow.arrow.Arrow)[source]
- created: Arrow
- payload: Any
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.assets.AssetUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Any]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Upload queue for assets
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the assets that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
cancellation_token – Cancellation token
- class CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Event]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Upload queue for events
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.files.BytesUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, overwrite_existing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ssl_verify: bool | str = True)[source]
Upload queue for bytes
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue.
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
overwrite_existing – If ‘overwrite’ is set to true, fields for the files found for externalIds can be overwritten
- add_to_upload_queue(content: bytes, file_meta: FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply) None [source]
Add object to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__. :param content: bytes object to upload :param metadata: metadata for the given bytes object
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.files.ChunkedStream(inner: BinaryIO, max_chunk_size: int, stream_length: int)[source]
Wrapper around a read-only stream to allow treating it as a sequence of smaller streams.
next_chunk will return true if there is one more chunk, it must be called before this is treated as a stream the first time, typically in a while loop.
- Parameters:
inner – Stream to wrap.
max_chunk_size – Maximum size per stream chunk.
stream_length – Total (remaining) length of the inner stream. This must be accurate.
- property current_chunk: int
Current chunk number.
- next_chunk() bool [source]
Step into the next chunk, letting this be read as a stream again.
Returns False if the stream is exhausted.
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.files.FileUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, overwrite_existing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ssl_verify: bool | str = True)[source]
Upload queue for files
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue.
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
- add_to_upload_queue(file_meta: FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply, file_name: str | PathLike) None [source]
Add file to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__.
- Parameters:
file_meta – File metadata-object
file_name – Path to file to be uploaded. If none, the file object will still be created, but no data is uploaded
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.files.IOFileUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, overwrite_existing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, max_parallelism: int | None = None, failure_logging_path: None | str = None, ssl_verify: bool | str = True)[source]
Upload queue for files using BinaryIO
Note that if the upload fails, the stream needs to be restarted, so the enqueued callback needs to produce a new IO object for each call.
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue.
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
max_parallelism – Maximum number of parallel uploads. If nothing is given, the parallelism will be capped by the max_workers of the cognite client.
ssl_verify – Either a string (path to a CA bundle) or a bool (false to turn off completely, true to use standard CA bundle)
- add_io_to_upload_queue(file_meta: FileMetadata | CogniteExtractorFileApply, read_file: Callable[[], BinaryIO], extra_retries: tuple[type[Exception], ...] | dict[type[Exception], Callable[[Any], bool]] | None = None) None [source]
Add file to upload queue. The file will start uploading immedeately. If the size of the queue is larger than the specified max size, this call will block until it’s completed the upload.
- Parameters:
file_meta – File metadata-object
file_name – Path to file to be uploaded. If none, the file object will still be created, but no data is uploaded
extra_retries – Exception types that might be raised by
that should be retried
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.raw.RawUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Any]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Upload queue for RAW
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the rows that were uploaded.
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
- add_to_upload_queue(database: str, table: str, raw_row: Row) None [source]
Adds a row to the upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__.
- Parameters:
database – The database to upload the Raw object to
table – The table to upload the Raw object to
raw_row – The row object
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.time_series.SequenceUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Any]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, create_missing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
- add_to_upload_queue(rows: dict[int, list[int | float | str]] | list[tuple[int, int | float | str]] | list[dict[str, Any]] | SequenceData | SequenceRows, column_external_ids: list[dict] | None = None, id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None) None [source]
Add sequence rows to upload queue. Mirrors implementation of SequenceApi.insert. Inserted rows will be cached until uploaded
- Parameters:
rows – The rows to be inserted. Can either be a list of tuples, a list of [“rownumber”: …, “values”: …] objects, a dictionary of rowNumber: data, or a SequenceData object.
column_external_ids – list of external id for the columns of the sequence
id – Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None
external_id – Sequence external ID Us if id is None
- set_sequence_column_definition(col_def: list[dict[str, str]], id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None) None [source]
Set sequence column definition
- Parameters:
col_def – Sequence column definition
id – Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None
external_id – Sequence external ID Us if id is None
- set_sequence_metadata(metadata: dict[str, str | int | float], id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None, asset_external_id: str | None = None, dataset_external_id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None) None [source]
Set sequence metadata. Metadata will be cached until the sequence is created. The metadata will be updated if the sequence already exists
- Parameters:
metadata – Sequence metadata
id – Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None
external_id – Sequence external ID Use if id is None
asset_external_id – Sequence asset external ID
dataset_external_id – Sequence dataset external ID
name – Sequence name
description – Sequence description
- class cognite.extractorutils.uploader.time_series.TimeSeriesUploadQueue(cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[dict[str, str | list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]]]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = 'DEBUG', thread_name: str | None = None, create_missing: Callable[[str, list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]], TimeSeries] | bool = False, data_set_id: int | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None)[source]
Upload queue for time series
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Cognite Data Fusion client to use
post_upload_function – A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of dicts containing the datapoints that were uploaded (on the same format as the kwargs in datapoints upload in the Cognite SDK).
max_queue_size – Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size.
max_upload_interval – Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods).
trigger_log_level – Log level to log upload triggers to.
thread_name – Thread name of uploader thread.
create_missing – Create missing time series if possible (ie, if external id is used). Either given as a boolean (True would auto-create a time series with nothing but an external ID), or as a factory function taking an external ID and a list of datapoints about to be inserted and returning a TimeSeries object.
data_set_id – Data set id passed to create_missing. Does nothing if create_missing is False. If a custom timeseries creation method is set in create_missing, this is used as fallback if that method does not set data set id on its own.
- add_to_upload_queue(*, id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None, datapoints: list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]] | None = None) None [source]
Add data points to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__.
- Parameters:
id – Internal ID of time series. Either this or external_id must be set.
external_id – External ID of time series. Either this or external_id must be set.
datapoints – list of data points to add
- cognite.extractorutils.uploader.time_series.default_time_series_factory(external_id: str, datapoints: list[tuple[int | datetime, float] | tuple[int | datetime, str] | tuple[int | datetime, int] | tuple[int | datetime, float, StatusCode | int] | tuple[int | datetime, str, StatusCode | int]]) TimeSeries [source]
Default time series factory used when create_missing in a TimeSeriesUploadQueue is given as a boolean.
- Parameters:
external_id – External ID of time series to create
datapoints – The list of datapoints that were tried to be inserted
- Returns:
A TimeSeries object with external_id set, and the is_string automatically detected
- Miscellaneous utilities
The util
package contains miscellaneous functions and classes that can some times be useful while developing
- class cognite.extractorutils.util.BufferedReadWithLength(raw: RawIOBase, buffer_size: int, len: int, on_close: Callable[[], None] | None = None)[source]
- close() None [source]
Flush and close the IO object.
This method has no effect if the file is already closed.
- closed
- detach()
Disconnect this buffer from its underlying raw stream and return it.
After the raw stream has been detached, the buffer is in an unusable state.
- fileno()
Returns underlying file descriptor if one exists.
OSError is raised if the IO object does not use a file descriptor.
- flush()
Flush write buffers, if applicable.
This is not implemented for read-only and non-blocking streams.
- isatty()
Return whether this is an ‘interactive’ stream.
Return False if it can’t be determined.
- mode
- name
- peek(size=0, /)
- raw
- read(size=-1, /)
Read and return up to n bytes.
If the argument is omitted, None, or negative, reads and returns all data until EOF.
If the argument is positive, and the underlying raw stream is not ‘interactive’, multiple raw reads may be issued to satisfy the byte count (unless EOF is reached first). But for interactive raw streams (as well as sockets and pipes), at most one raw read will be issued, and a short result does not imply that EOF is imminent.
Returns an empty bytes object on EOF.
Returns None if the underlying raw stream was open in non-blocking mode and no data is available at the moment.
- read1(size=-1, /)
Read and return up to n bytes, with at most one read() call to the underlying raw stream. A short result does not imply that EOF is imminent.
Returns an empty bytes object on EOF.
- readable()
Return whether object was opened for reading.
If False, read() will raise OSError.
- readinto(buffer, /)
- readinto1(buffer, /)
- readline(size=-1, /)
Read and return a line from the stream.
If size is specified, at most size bytes will be read.
The line terminator is always b’n’ for binary files; for text files, the newlines argument to open can be used to select the line terminator(s) recognized.
- readlines(hint=-1, /)
Return a list of lines from the stream.
hint can be specified to control the number of lines read: no more lines will be read if the total size (in bytes/characters) of all lines so far exceeds hint.
- seek(target, whence=0, /)
Change the stream position to the given byte offset.
- offset
The stream position, relative to ‘whence’.
- whence
The relative position to seek from.
The offset is interpreted relative to the position indicated by whence. Values for whence are:
os.SEEK_SET or 0 – start of stream (the default); offset should be zero or positive
os.SEEK_CUR or 1 – current stream position; offset may be negative
os.SEEK_END or 2 – end of stream; offset is usually negative
Return the new absolute position.
- seekable()
Return whether object supports random access.
If False, seek(), tell() and truncate() will raise OSError. This method may need to do a test seek().
- tell()
Return current stream position.
- truncate(pos=None, /)
Truncate file to size bytes.
File pointer is left unchanged. Size defaults to the current IO position as reported by tell(). Returns the new size.
- writable()
Return whether object was opened for writing.
If False, write() will raise OSError.
- write()
Write the given buffer to the IO stream.
Returns the number of bytes written, which is always the length of b in bytes.
Raises BlockingIOError if the buffer is full and the underlying raw stream cannot accept more data at the moment.
- writelines(lines, /)
Write a list of lines to stream.
Line separators are not added, so it is usual for each of the lines provided to have a line separator at the end.
- class cognite.extractorutils.util.EitherId(**kwargs: int | str | None)[source]
Class representing an ID in CDF, which can either be an external or internal ID. An EitherId can only hold one ID type, not both.
- Parameters:
id – Internal ID
external_id – external ID. It can be external_id or externalId
- Raises:
TypeError – If none of both of id types are set.
- cognite.extractorutils.util.add_extraction_pipeline(extraction_pipeline_ext_id: str, cognite_client: CogniteClient, heartbeat_waiting_time: int = 600, added_message: str = '') Callable[[Callable[[...], _T1]], Callable[[...], _T1]] [source]
This is to be used as a decorator for extractor functions to add extraction pipeline information.
- Parameters:
extraction_pipeline_ext_id – External ID of the extraction pipeline
cognite_client – Client to use when communicating with CDF
heartbeat_waiting_time – Target interval between heartbeats, in seconds
- Usage:
If you have a function named “extract_data(*args, **kwargs)” and want to connect it to an extraction pipeline, you can use this decorator function as:
@add_extraction_pipeline( extraction_pipeline_ext_id=<INSERT EXTERNAL ID>, cognite_client=<INSERT COGNITE CLIENT OBJECT>, ) def extract_data(*args, **kwargs): <INSERT FUNCTION BODY>
- cognite.extractorutils.util.cognite_exceptions(status_codes: list[int] | None = None) dict[type[Exception], Callable[[Any], bool]] [source]
Retry exceptions from using the Cognite SDK. This will retry all connection and HTTP errors matching the given status codes.
@retry(exceptions = cognite_exceptions()) def my_function() -> None: ...
- cognite.extractorutils.util.ensure_assets(cdf_client: CogniteClient, assets: Iterable[Asset]) None [source]
Ensure that all the given assets exists in CDF.
Searches through the tenant after the external IDs of the assets given, and creates those that are missing.
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Tenant to create assets in
assets – Assets to create
- cognite.extractorutils.util.ensure_time_series(cdf_client: CogniteClient, time_series: Iterable[TimeSeries]) None [source]
Ensure that all the given time series exists in CDF.
Searches through the tenant after the external IDs of the time series given, and creates those that are missing.
- Parameters:
cdf_client – Tenant to create time series in
time_series – Time series to create
- cognite.extractorutils.util.httpx_exceptions(status_codes: list[int] | None = None) dict[type[Exception], Callable[[Any], bool]] [source]
Retry exceptions from using the
library. This will retry all connection and HTTP errors matching the given status codes.Example:
@retry(exceptions = httpx_exceptions()) def my_function() -> None: ...
- cognite.extractorutils.util.iterable_to_stream(iterator: Iterable[bytes], file_size_bytes: int, buffer_size: int = 8192, on_close: Callable[[], None] | None = None) BufferedReadWithLength [source]
- int [source]
Current time in CDF format (milliseonds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
- cognite.extractorutils.util.requests_exceptions(status_codes: list[int] | None = None) dict[type[Exception], Callable[[Any], bool]] [source]
Retry exceptions from using the
library. This will retry all connection and HTTP errors matching the given status codes.Example:
@retry(exceptions = requests_exceptions()) def my_function() -> None: ...
- cognite.extractorutils.util.retry(cancellation_token: ~cognite.extractorutils.threading.CancellationToken | None = None, exceptions: tuple[type[Exception], ...] | dict[type[Exception],[[~typing.Any], bool]] = (<class 'Exception'>,), tries: int = 10, delay: float = 1, max_delay: float | None = 60, backoff: float = 2, jitter: float | tuple[float, float] = (0, 2)) Callable[[Callable[[...], _T2]], Callable[[...], _T2]] [source]
Returns a retry decorator.
This is adapted from
- Parameters:
cancellation_token – a threading token that is waited on.
exceptions – a tuple of exceptions to catch, or a dictionary from exception types to a callback determining whether to retry the exception or not. The callback will be given the exception object as argument. default: retry all exceptions.
tries – the maximum number of attempts. default: -1 (infinite).
delay – initial delay between attempts. default: 0.
max_delay – the maximum value of delay. default: None (no limit).
backoff – multiplier applied to delay between attempts. default: 1 (no backoff).
jitter – extra seconds added to delay between attempts. default: 0. fixed if a number, random if a range tuple (min, max)
logger – logger.warning(fmt, error, delay) will be called on failed attempts. default: retry.logging_logger. if None, logging is disabled.
- cognite.extractorutils.util.throttled_loop(target_time: int, cancellation_token: CancellationToken) Generator[None, None, None] [source]
A loop generator that automatically sleeps until each iteration has taken the desired amount of time. Useful for when you want to avoid overloading a source system with requests.
This example will throttle printing to only print every 10th second:
for _ in throttled_loop(10, stop_event): print("Hello every 10 seconds!")
- Parameters:
target_time – How long (in seconds) an iteration should take om total
cancellation_token – An Event object that will act as the stop event. When set, the loop will stop.
- Returns:
A generator that will only yield when the target iteration time is met