Source code for cognite.extractorutils.metrics

#  Copyright 2020 Cognite AS
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Module containing tools for pushers for metric reporting.

The classes in this module scrape the default Prometheus registry and uploads it periodically to either a Prometheus
push gateway, or to CDF as time series.

The ``BaseMetrics`` class forms the basis for a metrics collection for an extractor, containing some general metrics
that all extractors should report. To create your own set of metrics, subclass this class and populate it with
extractor-specific metrics, as such:

.. code-block:: python

    class MyMetrics(BaseMetrics):
        def __init__(self):
            super().__init__(extractor_name="my_extractor", extractor_version=__version__)

            self.a_counter = Counter("my_extractor_example_counter", "An example counter")

The metrics module also contains some Pusher classes that are used to routinely send metrics to a
remote server, these can be automatically created with the ``start_pushers`` method described in


import logging
import os
import threading
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Callable
from time import sleep
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, TypeVar

import arrow
import psutil
from prometheus_client import Gauge, Info, Metric
from prometheus_client.core import REGISTRY
from prometheus_client.exposition import basic_auth_handler, delete_from_gateway, pushadd_to_gateway

from cognite.client import CogniteClient
from cognite.client.data_classes import Asset, Datapoints, DatapointsArray, TimeSeries
from cognite.client.exceptions import CogniteDuplicatedError
from cognite.extractorutils.threading import CancellationToken
from cognite.extractorutils.util import EitherId

from .util import ensure_time_series

_metrics_singularities = {}

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] def safe_get(cls: type[T], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> T: """ A factory for instances of metrics collections. Since Prometheus doesn't allow multiple metrics with the same name, any subclass of BaseMetrics must never be created more than once. This function creates an instance of the given class on the first call and stores it, any subsequent calls with the same class as argument will return the same instance. .. code-block:: python >>> a = safe_get(MyMetrics) # This will create a new instance of MyMetrics >>> b = safe_get(MyMetrics) # This will return the same instance >>> a is b True Args: cls: Metrics class to either create or get a cached version of Returns: An instance of given class """ global _metrics_singularities if cls not in _metrics_singularities: _metrics_singularities[cls] = cls(*args, **kwargs) return _metrics_singularities[cls]
[docs] class BaseMetrics: """ Base collection of extractor metrics. The class also spawns a collector thread on init that regularly fetches process information and update the ``process_*`` gauges. To create a set of metrics for an extractor, create a subclass of this class. **Note that only one instance of this class (or any subclass) can exist simultaneously** The collection includes the following metrics: * startup: Startup time (unix epoch) * finish: Finish time (unix epoch) * process_num_threads Number of active threads. Set automatically. * process_memory_bytes Memory usage of extractor. Set automatically. * process_cpu_percent CPU usage of extractor. Set automatically. Args: extractor_name: Name of extractor, used to prefix metric names process_scrape_interval: Interval (in seconds) between each fetch of data for the ``process_*`` gauges """ def __init__(self, extractor_name: str, extractor_version: str, process_scrape_interval: float = 15): extractor_name = extractor_name.strip().replace(" ", "_") self.startup = Gauge(f"{extractor_name}_start_time", "Timestamp (seconds) of when the extractor last started") self.finish = Gauge( f"{extractor_name}_finish_time", "Timestamp (seconds) of then the extractor last finished cleanly" ) self._process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) self.process_num_threads = Gauge(f"{extractor_name}_num_threads", "Number of threads") self.process_memory_bytes = Gauge(f"{extractor_name}_memory_bytes", "Memory usage in bytes") self.process_memory_bytes_available = Gauge( f"{extractor_name}_memory_bytes_available", "Memory available in bytes" ) self.process_cpu_percent = Gauge(f"{extractor_name}_cpu_percent", "CPU usage percent") = Info(f"{extractor_name}_info", "Information about running extractor"){"extractor_version": extractor_version, "extractor_type": extractor_name}) self.process_scrape_interval = process_scrape_interval self._start_proc_collector() self.startup.set_to_current_time() def _proc_collect(self) -> None: """ Collect values for process metrics """ total_memory_available = psutil.virtual_memory().total while True: self.process_num_threads.set(self._process.num_threads()) self.process_memory_bytes.set(self._process.memory_info().rss) self.process_memory_bytes_available.set(total_memory_available) self.process_cpu_percent.set(self._process.cpu_percent()) sleep(self.process_scrape_interval) def _start_proc_collector(self) -> None: """ Start a thread that collects process metrics at a regular interval """ thread = threading.Thread(target=self._proc_collect, name="ProcessMetricsCollector", daemon=True) thread.start()
[docs] class AbstractMetricsPusher(ABC): """ Base class for metric pushers. Metric pushers spawns a thread that routinely pushes metrics to a configured destination. Contains all the logic for starting and running threads. Args: push_interval: Seconds between each upload call thread_name: Name of thread to start. If omitted, a standard name such as Thread-4 will be generated. cancellation_token: Event object to be used as a thread cancelation event """ def __init__( self, push_interval: int | None = None, thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ): self.push_interval = push_interval self.thread_name = thread_name self.thread: threading.Thread | None = None self.thread_name = thread_name self.cancellation_token = cancellation_token.create_child_token() if cancellation_token else CancellationToken() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @abstractmethod def _push_to_server(self) -> None: """ Push metrics to a remote server, to be overrided in subclasses. """ pass def _run(self) -> None: """ Run push loop. """ while not self.cancellation_token.is_cancelled: self._push_to_server() self.cancellation_token.wait(self.push_interval)
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Starts a thread that pushes the default registry to the configured gateway at certain intervals. """ self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run, daemon=True, name=self.thread_name) self.thread.start()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop the push loop. """ # Make sure everything is pushed self._push_to_server() self.cancellation_token.cancel()
def __enter__(self) -> "AbstractMetricsPusher": """ Wraps around start method, for use as context manager Returns: self """ self.start() return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None ) -> None: """ Wraps around stop method, for use as context manager Args: exc_type: Exception type exc_val: Exception value exc_tb: Traceback """ self.stop()
[docs] class PrometheusPusher(AbstractMetricsPusher): """ Pusher to a Prometheus push gateway. Args: job_name: Prometheus job name username: Push gateway credentials password: Push gateway credentials url: URL (with portnum) of push gateway push_interval: Seconds between each upload call thread_name: Name of thread to start. If omitted, a standard name such as Thread-4 will be generated. cancellation_token: Event object to be used as a thread cancelation event """ def __init__( self, job_name: str, url: str, push_interval: int, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ): super().__init__(push_interval, thread_name, cancellation_token) self.username = username self.job_name = job_name self.password = password self.url = url def _auth_handler(self, url: str, method: str, timeout: int, headers: list[tuple[str, str]], data: Any) -> Callable: """ Returns a authentication handler against the Prometheus Pushgateway to use in the pushadd_to_gateway method. Args: url: Push gateway method: HTTP method timeout: Request timeout (seconds) headers: HTTP headers data: Data to send Returns: prometheus_client.exposition.basic_auth_handler: A authentication handler based on this client. """ return basic_auth_handler(url, method, timeout, headers, data, self.username, self.password) def _push_to_server(self) -> None: """ Push the default metrics registry to the configured Prometheus Pushgateway. """ if not self.url or not self.job_name: return try: pushadd_to_gateway(self.url, job=self.job_name, registry=REGISTRY, handler=self._auth_handler) except OSError as exp: self.logger.warning("Failed to push metrics to %s: %s", self.url, str(exp)) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Failed to push metrics to %s", self.url) self.logger.debug("Pushed metrics to %s", self.url)
[docs] def clear_gateway(self) -> None: """ Delete metrics stored at the gateway (reset gateway). """ delete_from_gateway(self.url, job=self.job_name, handler=self._auth_handler) self.logger.debug("Deleted metrics from push gateway %s", self.url)
[docs] class CognitePusher(AbstractMetricsPusher): """ Pusher to CDF. Creates time series in CDF for all Gauges and Counters in the default Prometheus registry. Optional contextualization with an Asset to make the time series observable in Asset Data Insight. The given asset will be created at root level in the tenant if it doesn't already exist. Args: cdf_client: The CDF tenant to upload time series to external_id_prefix: Unique external ID prefix for this pusher. push_interval: Seconds between each upload call asset: Optional contextualization. data_set: Data set the metrics timeseries created under. thread_name: Name of thread to start. If omitted, a standard name such as Thread-4 will be generated. cancellation_token: Event object to be used as a thread cancelation event """ def __init__( self, cdf_client: CogniteClient, external_id_prefix: str, push_interval: int, asset: Asset | None = None, data_set: EitherId | None = None, thread_name: str | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ): super().__init__(push_interval, thread_name, cancellation_token) self.cdf_client = cdf_client self.asset = asset self.external_id_prefix = external_id_prefix self.data_set = data_set self._init_cdf() self._cdf_project = cdf_client.config.project def _init_cdf(self) -> None: """ Initialize the CDF tenant with the necessary time series and asset. """ time_series: list[TimeSeries] = [] if self.asset is not None: # Ensure that asset exist, and retrieve internal ID asset: Asset | None try: asset = self.cdf_client.assets.create(self.asset) except CogniteDuplicatedError: asset = self.cdf_client.assets.retrieve(external_id=self.asset.external_id) asset_id = if asset is not None else None else: asset_id = None data_set_id = None if self.data_set: dataset = self.cdf_client.data_sets.retrieve( id=self.data_set.internal_id, external_id=self.data_set.external_id ) if dataset: data_set_id = for metric in REGISTRY.collect(): if type(metric) is Metric and metric.type in ["gauge", "counter"]: external_id = self.external_id_prefix + time_series.append( TimeSeries( external_id=external_id,, legacy_name=external_id, description=metric.documentation, asset_id=asset_id, data_set_id=data_set_id, ) ) ensure_time_series(self.cdf_client, time_series) def _push_to_server(self) -> None: """ Create datapoints an push them to their respective time series """ timestamp = int(arrow.get().float_timestamp * 1000) datapoints: list[dict[str, str | int | list[Any] | Datapoints | DatapointsArray]] = [] for metric in REGISTRY.collect(): if isinstance(metric, Metric) and metric.type in ["gauge", "counter"]: if len(metric.samples) == 0: continue external_id = self.external_id_prefix + datapoints.append({"externalId": external_id, "datapoints": [(timestamp, metric.samples[0].value)]}) self.logger.debug("Pushed metrics to CDF tenant '%s'", self._cdf_project)