Source code for cognite.extractorutils.base

#  Copyright 2021 Cognite AS
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import logging
import os
import sys
from import Callable
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from enum import Enum
from threading import Thread
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar

from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv

from cognite.client import CogniteClient
from cognite.client.data_classes import ExtractionPipeline, ExtractionPipelineRun
from cognite.extractorutils.configtools import BaseConfig, ConfigResolver, StateStoreConfig
from cognite.extractorutils.exceptions import InvalidConfigError
from cognite.extractorutils.metrics import BaseMetrics
from cognite.extractorutils.statestore import AbstractStateStore, LocalStateStore, NoStateStore
from cognite.extractorutils.threading import CancellationToken

class ReloadConfigAction(Enum):
    DO_NOTHING = 1
    SHUTDOWN = 3
    CALLBACK = 4

CustomConfigClass = TypeVar("CustomConfigClass", bound=BaseConfig)
RunHandle = Callable[[CogniteClient, AbstractStateStore, CustomConfigClass, CancellationToken], None]

[docs] class Extractor(Generic[CustomConfigClass]): """ Base class for extractors. When used as a context manager, the Extractor class will parse command line arguments, load a configuration file, set up everything needed for the extractor to run, and call the ``run_handle``. If the extractor raises an exception, the exception will be handled by the Extractor class and logged and reported as an error. Args: name: Name of the extractor, how it's invoked from the command line. description: A short 1-2 sentence description of the extractor. version: Version number, following semantic versioning. run_handle: A function to call when setup is done that runs the extractor, taking a cognite client, state store config object and a shutdown event as arguments. config_class: A class (based on the BaseConfig class) that defines the configuration schema for the extractor metrics: Metrics collection, a default one with be created if omitted. use_default_state_store: Create a simple instance of the LocalStateStore to provide to the run handle. If false a NoStateStore will be created in its place. cancellation_token: An event that will be set when the extractor should shut down, an empty one will be created if omitted. config_file_path: If supplied, the extractor will not use command line arguments to get a config file, but rather use the supplied path. continuous_extractor: If True, extractor will both successful start and end time. Else, only show run on exit. heartbeat_waiting_time: Time interval between each heartbeat to the extraction pipeline in seconds. """ _config_singleton: CustomConfigClass | None = None _statestore_singleton: AbstractStateStore | None = None def __init__( self, *, name: str, description: str, version: str | None = None, run_handle: RunHandle | None = None, config_class: type[CustomConfigClass], metrics: BaseMetrics | None = None, use_default_state_store: bool = True, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, config_file_path: str | None = None, continuous_extractor: bool = False, heartbeat_waiting_time: int = 600, handle_interrupts: bool = True, reload_config_interval: int | None = 300, reload_config_action: ReloadConfigAction = ReloadConfigAction.DO_NOTHING, ): = name self.description = description self.run_handle = run_handle self.config_class = config_class self.use_default_state_store = use_default_state_store self.version = version or "unknown" self.cancellation_token = cancellation_token.create_child_token() if cancellation_token else CancellationToken() self.config_file_path = config_file_path self.continuous_extractor = continuous_extractor self.heartbeat_waiting_time = heartbeat_waiting_time self.handle_interrupts = handle_interrupts self.reload_config_interval = reload_config_interval self.reload_config_action = reload_config_action self.started = False self.configured_logger = False self.cognite_client: CogniteClient self.state_store: AbstractStateStore self.config: CustomConfigClass self.extraction_pipeline: ExtractionPipeline | None self.logger: logging.Logger self.should_be_restarted = False if metrics: self.metrics = metrics else: self.metrics = BaseMetrics(extractor_name=name, extractor_version=self.version) def _initial_load_config(self, override_path: str | None = None) -> None: """ Load a configuration file, either from the specified path, or by a path specified by the user in a command line arg. Will quit further execution of no path is given. Args: override_path: Optional override for file path, ie don't parse command line arguments """ if override_path: self.config_resolver = ConfigResolver(override_path, self.config_class) else: self.config_resolver = ConfigResolver.from_cli(, self.description, self.version, self.config_class) self.config = self.config_resolver.config Extractor._config_singleton = self.config # type: ignore def config_refresher() -> None: while not self.cancellation_token.is_cancelled: self.cancellation_token.wait(self.reload_config_interval) if self.config_resolver.has_changed: self._reload_config() if self.reload_config_interval and self.reload_config_action != ReloadConfigAction.DO_NOTHING: Thread(target=config_refresher, name="ConfigReloader", daemon=True).start()
[docs] def reload_config_callback(self) -> None: self.logger.error("Method for reloading configs has not been overridden in subclass")
def _reload_config(self) -> None:"Config file has changed") if self.reload_config_action is ReloadConfigAction.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE:"Loading in new config file") self.config_resolver.accept_new_config() self.config = self.config_resolver.config Extractor._config_singleton = self.config # type: ignore elif self.reload_config_action is ReloadConfigAction.SHUTDOWN:"Shutting down, expecting to be restarted") self.cancellation_token.cancel() elif self.reload_config_action is ReloadConfigAction.CALLBACK:"Loading in new config file") self.config_resolver.accept_new_config() self.config = self.config_resolver.config self.reload_config_callback() def _load_state_store(self) -> None: """ Searches through the config object for a StateStoreConfig. If found, it will use that configuration to generate a state store, if no such config is found it will either create a LocalStateStore or a NoStateStore depending on whether the ``use_default_state_store`` argument to the constructor was true or false. Either way, the state_store attribute is guaranteed to be set after calling this method. """ def recursive_find_state_store(d: dict[str, Any]) -> StateStoreConfig | None: for k in d: if is_dataclass(d[k]): res = recursive_find_state_store(d[k].__dict__) if res: return res if isinstance(d[k], StateStoreConfig): return d[k] return None state_store_config = recursive_find_state_store(self.config.__dict__) if state_store_config: self.state_store = state_store_config.create_state_store( cdf_client=self.cognite_client, default_to_local=self.use_default_state_store, cancellation_token=self.cancellation_token, ) else: self.state_store = ( LocalStateStore("states.json", cancellation_token=self.cancellation_token) if self.use_default_state_store else NoStateStore() ) try: self.state_store.initialize() except ValueError: self.logger.exception("Could not load state store, using an empty state store as default") Extractor._statestore_singleton = self.state_store def _report_success(self) -> None: """ Called on a successful exit of the extractor """ if self.extraction_pipeline:"Reporting new successful run") self.cognite_client.extraction_pipelines.runs.create( ExtractionPipelineRun( extpipe_external_id=self.extraction_pipeline.external_id, status="success", message="Successful shutdown", ) ) def _report_error(self, exception: BaseException) -> None: """ Called on an unsuccessful exit of the extractor Args: exception: Exception object that caused the extractor to fail """ self.logger.error("Unexpected error during extraction", exc_info=exception) if self.extraction_pipeline: message = f"{type(exception).__name__}: {str(exception)}"[:1000]"Reporting new failed run: {message}") self.cognite_client.extraction_pipelines.runs.create( ExtractionPipelineRun( extpipe_external_id=self.extraction_pipeline.external_id, status="failure", message=message ) ) def __enter__(self) -> "Extractor": """ Configures and initializes the global logger, cognite client, loads config file, state store, etc. Returns: self """ if str(os.getenv("COGNITE_FUNCTION_RUNTIME", False)).lower() != "true": # Environment Variables env_file_path = find_dotenv(usecwd=True) if env_file_path: load_dotenv(dotenv_path=env_file_path, override=True) dotenv_message = f"Successfully ingested environment variables from {env_file_path}" else: dotenv_message = "No .env file found" else: dotenv_message = "No .env file imported when using Cognite Functions" try: self._initial_load_config(override_path=self.config_file_path) except InvalidConfigError as e: print("Critical error: Could not read config file", file=sys.stderr) # noqa: T201 print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) # noqa: T201 sys.exit(1) if not self.configured_logger: self.config.logger.setup_logging() self.configured_logger = True self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Loaded {'remote' if self.config_resolver.is_remote else 'local'} config file") if self.handle_interrupts: self.cancellation_token.cancel_on_interrupt() self.cognite_client = self.config.cognite.get_cognite_client( self._load_state_store() self.state_store.start() self.extraction_pipeline = self.config.cognite.get_extraction_pipeline(self.cognite_client) try: self.config.metrics.start_pushers(self.cognite_client) # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass def heartbeat_loop() -> None: while not self.cancellation_token.is_cancelled: self.cancellation_token.wait(self.heartbeat_waiting_time) if not self.cancellation_token.is_cancelled:"Reporting new heartbeat") try: self.cognite_client.extraction_pipelines.runs.create( ExtractionPipelineRun( extpipe_external_id=self.extraction_pipeline.external_id, # type: ignore status="seen", ) ) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Failed to report heartbeat") if self.extraction_pipeline:"Starting heartbeat loop") Thread(target=heartbeat_loop, name="HeartbeatLoop", daemon=True).start() else:"No extraction pipeline configured") if self.extraction_pipeline and self.continuous_extractor: self.cognite_client.extraction_pipelines.runs.create( ExtractionPipelineRun( extpipe_external_id=self.extraction_pipeline.external_id, status="success", message=f"New startup of {}", ) ) self.started = True return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None ) -> bool: """ Shuts down the extractor. Makes sure states are preserved, that all uploads of data and metrics are done, etc. Args: exc_type: Will be provided by runtime. If an unhandled exception occurred, this will be the type of that exception. exc_val: Will be provided by runtime. If an unhandled exception occurred, this will be the instance of that exception. exc_tb: Will be provided by runtime. If an unhandled exception occurred, this will be the stack trace of that exception. Returns: True if the extractor shut down cleanly, False if the extractor was shut down due to an unhandled error """ self.cancellation_token.cancel() if self.state_store: self.state_store.synchronize() try: self.config.metrics.stop_pushers() # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass if exc_val: self._report_error(exc_val) else: self._report_success() self.started = False return exc_val is None
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """ Run the extractor. Ensures that the Extractor is set up correctly (``run`` called within a ``with``) and calls the ``run_handle``. Can be overrided in subclasses. """ if not self.started: raise ValueError("You must run the extractor in a context manager") if self.run_handle: self.run_handle(self.cognite_client, self.state_store, self.config, self.cancellation_token) else: raise ValueError("No run_handle defined")
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_config(cls) -> CustomConfigClass: if Extractor._config_singleton is None: # type: ignore raise ValueError("No config singleton created. Have a config file been loaded?") return Extractor._config_singleton # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_statestore(cls) -> AbstractStateStore: if Extractor._statestore_singleton is None: raise ValueError("No state store singleton created. Have a state store been loaded?") return Extractor._statestore_singleton