Source code for cognite.extractorutils.configtools.loaders

#  Copyright 2023 Cognite AS
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import argparse
import dataclasses
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from import Callable, Iterable
from enum import Enum
from hashlib import sha256
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Generic, TextIO, TypeVar, cast

import dacite
import yaml
from azure.core.credentials import TokenCredential
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError, ResourceNotFoundError, ServiceRequestError
from azure.identity import ClientSecretCredential, DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.keyvault.secrets import SecretClient
from yaml.scanner import ScannerError

from cognite.client import CogniteClient
from cognite.extractorutils.configtools._util import _to_snake_case
from cognite.extractorutils.configtools.elements import (
from cognite.extractorutils.exceptions import InvalidConfigError

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CustomConfigClass = TypeVar("CustomConfigClass", bound=BaseConfig)

[docs] class KeyVaultAuthenticationMethod(Enum): DEFAULT = "default" CLIENTSECRET = "client-secret"
[docs] class KeyVaultLoader: """ Class responsible for configuring keyvault for clients using Azure """ def __init__(self, config: dict | None): self.config = config self.credentials: TokenCredential | None = None self.client: SecretClient | None = None def _init_client(self) -> None: from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv if not self.config: raise InvalidConfigError( "Attempted to load values from Azure key vault with no key vault configured. " "Include an `azure-keyvault` section in your config to use the !keyvault tag." ) keyvault_name = self.config.get("keyvault-name") if not keyvault_name: raise InvalidConfigError("Please add the keyvault-name") if "authentication-method" not in self.config: raise InvalidConfigError( "Please enter the authentication method to access Azure KeyVault" "Possible values are: default or client-secret" ) vault_url = f"https://{keyvault_name}" if self.config["authentication-method"] == KeyVaultAuthenticationMethod.DEFAULT.value:"Using Azure DefaultCredentials to access KeyVault") self.credentials = DefaultAzureCredential() elif self.config["authentication-method"] == KeyVaultAuthenticationMethod.CLIENTSECRET.value: auth_parameters = ("client-id", "tenant-id", "secret")"Using Azure ClientSecret credentials to access KeyVault") dotenv_path = find_dotenv(usecwd=True) load_dotenv(dotenv_path=dotenv_path, override=True) if all(param in self.config for param in auth_parameters): tenant_id = os.path.expandvars(self.config.get("tenant-id", None)) client_id = os.path.expandvars(self.config.get("client-id", None)) secret = os.path.expandvars(self.config.get("secret", None)) self.credentials = ClientSecretCredential( tenant_id=tenant_id, client_id=client_id, client_secret=secret, ) else: raise InvalidConfigError( "Missing client secret parameters. client-id, tenant-id and client-secret are mandatory" ) else: raise InvalidConfigError( "Invalid KeyVault authentication method. Possible values : default or client-secret" ) self.client = SecretClient(vault_url=vault_url, credential=self.credentials) # type: ignore def __call__(self, _: yaml.SafeLoader, node: yaml.Node) -> str: self._init_client() try: return self.client.get_secret(node.value).value # type: ignore # _init_client guarantees not None except (ResourceNotFoundError, ServiceRequestError, HttpResponseError) as e: raise InvalidConfigError(str(e)) from e
class _EnvLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): pass class SafeLoaderIgnoreUnknown(yaml.SafeLoader): def ignore_unknown(self, node: yaml.Node) -> None: return None def _env_constructor(_: yaml.SafeLoader, node: yaml.Node) -> bool: bool_values = { "true": True, "false": False, } expanded_value = os.path.expandvars(node.value) return bool_values.get(expanded_value.lower(), expanded_value) def _load_yaml_dict_raw( source: TextIO | str, expand_envvars: bool = True, keyvault_loader: KeyVaultLoader | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: loader = _EnvLoader if expand_envvars else yaml.SafeLoader class SafeLoaderIgnoreUnknown(yaml.SafeLoader): def ignore_unknown(self, node: yaml.Node) -> None: return None # Ignoring types since the key can be None. SafeLoaderIgnoreUnknown.add_constructor(None, SafeLoaderIgnoreUnknown.ignore_unknown) # type: ignore initial_load = yaml.load(source, Loader=SafeLoaderIgnoreUnknown) # noqa: S506 if not isinstance(initial_load, dict): raise InvalidConfigError("The root node of the YAML document must be an object") if not isinstance(source, str): if keyvault_loader: _EnvLoader.add_constructor("!keyvault", keyvault_loader) else: keyvault_config = initial_load.get("azure-keyvault", initial_load.get("key-vault")) _EnvLoader.add_constructor("!keyvault", KeyVaultLoader(keyvault_config)) _EnvLoader.add_implicit_resolver("!env", re.compile(r"\$\{([^}^{]+)\}"), None) _EnvLoader.add_constructor("!env", _env_constructor) try: config_dict = yaml.load(source, Loader=loader) # noqa: S506 except ScannerError as e: location = e.problem_mark or e.context_mark formatted_location = f" at line {location.line+1}, column {location.column+1}" if location is not None else "" cause = e.problem or e.context raise InvalidConfigError(f"Invalid YAML{formatted_location}: {cause or ''}") from e return config_dict def _load_yaml_dict( source: TextIO | str, case_style: str = "hyphen", expand_envvars: bool = True, dict_manipulator: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] = lambda x: x, keyvault_loader: KeyVaultLoader | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: config_dict = _load_yaml_dict_raw(source, expand_envvars, keyvault_loader) config_dict = dict_manipulator(config_dict) config_dict = _to_snake_case(config_dict, case_style) if "azure_keyvault" in config_dict: config_dict.pop("azure_keyvault") if "key_vault" in config_dict: config_dict.pop("key_vault") return config_dict def _load_yaml( source: TextIO | str, config_type: type[CustomConfigClass], case_style: str = "hyphen", expand_envvars: bool = True, dict_manipulator: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] = lambda x: x, keyvault_loader: KeyVaultLoader | None = None, ) -> CustomConfigClass: config_dict = _load_yaml_dict( source, case_style=case_style, expand_envvars=expand_envvars, dict_manipulator=dict_manipulator, keyvault_loader=keyvault_loader, ) try: config = dacite.from_dict( data=config_dict, data_class=config_type, config=dacite.Config(strict=True, cast=[Enum, TimeIntervalConfig, Path, CastableInt, PortNumber]), ) except dacite.UnexpectedDataError as e: unknowns = [f'"{k.replace("_", "-") if case_style == "hyphen" else k}"' for k in e.keys] raise InvalidConfigError( f"Unknown config parameter{'s' if len(unknowns) > 1 else ''} {', '.join(unknowns)}" ) from e except (dacite.WrongTypeError, dacite.MissingValueError, dacite.UnionMatchError) as e: if e.field_path: path = e.field_path.replace("_", "-") if case_style == "hyphen" else e.field_path else: path = None def name(type_: type) -> str: return type_.__name__ if hasattr(type_, "__name__") else str(type_) def all_types(type_: type) -> Iterable[type]: return type_.__args__ if hasattr(type_, "__args__") else [type_] if isinstance(e, dacite.WrongTypeError | dacite.UnionMatchError) and e.value is not None: got_type = name(type(e.value)) need_type = ", ".join(name(t) for t in all_types(e.field_type)) raise InvalidConfigError( f'Wrong type for field "{path}" - got "{e.value}" of type {got_type} instead of {need_type}' ) from e raise InvalidConfigError(f'Missing mandatory field "{path}"') from e except dacite.ForwardReferenceError as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid config class: {str(e)}") from e config._file_hash = sha256(json.dumps(config_dict).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() return config
[docs] def load_yaml( source: TextIO | str, config_type: type[CustomConfigClass], case_style: str = "hyphen", expand_envvars: bool = True, keyvault_loader: KeyVaultLoader | None = None, ) -> CustomConfigClass: """ Read a YAML file, and create a config object based on its contents. Args: source: Input stream (as returned by open(...)) or string containing YAML. config_type: Class of config type (i.e. your custom subclass of BaseConfig). case_style: Casing convention of config file. Valid options are 'snake', 'hyphen' or 'camel'. Should be 'hyphen'. expand_envvars: Substitute values with the pattern ${VAR} with the content of the environment variable VAR keyvault_loader: Pre-built loader for keyvault tags. Will be loaded from config if not set. Returns: An initialized config object. Raises: InvalidConfigError: If any config field is given as an invalid type, is missing or is unknown """ return _load_yaml( source=source, config_type=config_type, case_style=case_style, expand_envvars=expand_envvars, keyvault_loader=keyvault_loader, )
[docs] def load_yaml_dict( source: TextIO | str, case_style: str = "hyphen", expand_envvars: bool = True, keyvault_loader: KeyVaultLoader | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Read a YAML file and return a dictionary from its contents Args: source: Input stream (as returned by open(...)) or string containing YAML. case_style: Casing convention of config file. Valid options are 'snake', 'hyphen' or 'camel'. Should be 'hyphen'. expand_envvars: Substitute values with the pattern ${VAR} with the content of the environment variable VAR keyvault_loader: Pre-built loader for keyvault tags. Will be loaded from config if not set. Returns: A raw dict with the contents of the config file. Raises: InvalidConfigError: If any config field is given as an invalid type, is missing or is unknown """ return _load_yaml_dict( source=source, case_style=case_style, expand_envvars=expand_envvars, keyvault_loader=keyvault_loader )
def compile_patterns(ignore_patterns: list[str | IgnorePattern]) -> list[re.Pattern[str]]: """ list of patterns to compile Args: ignore_patterns: A list of strings or IgnorePattern to be compiled. Returns: A list of compiled RegExp patterns. """ compiled = [] for p in ignore_patterns: if isinstance(p, IgnorePattern): compiled.append(re.compile(p.compile())) else: compiled.append(re.compile(p)) return compiled class ConfigResolver(Generic[CustomConfigClass]): def __init__(self, config_path: str, config_type: type[CustomConfigClass]): self.config_path = config_path self.config_type = config_type self._config: CustomConfigClass | None = None self._next_config: CustomConfigClass | None = None self._cognite_client: CogniteClient | None = None def _reload_file(self) -> None: with open(self.config_path) as stream: self._config_text = @property def cognite_client(self) -> CogniteClient | None: if self._cognite_client is None and self._config is not None: self._cognite_client = self._config.cognite.get_cognite_client("config_resolver") return self._cognite_client @cognite_client.setter def cognite_client(self, client: CogniteClient) -> None: if not isinstance(client, CogniteClient): raise AttributeError("cognite_client must be set to a CogniteClient instance") self._cognite_client = client @property def is_remote(self) -> bool: raw_config_type = load_yaml_dict(self._config_text).get("type") if raw_config_type is None: _logger.warning("No config type specified, default to local") raw_config_type = "local" config_type = ConfigType(raw_config_type) return config_type == ConfigType.REMOTE @property def has_changed(self) -> bool: try: self._resolve_config() except Exception: _logger.exception("Failed to reload configuration file") return False return self._config._file_hash != self._next_config._file_hash if self._config else True # type: ignore @property def config(self) -> CustomConfigClass: if self._config is None: self._resolve_config() self.accept_new_config() return self._config # type: ignore def accept_new_config(self) -> None: self._config = self._next_config @classmethod def from_cli( cls, name: str, description: str, version: str, config_type: type[CustomConfigClass] ) -> "ConfigResolver": argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(sys.argv[0], description=description) argument_parser.add_argument( "config", nargs=1, type=str, help="The YAML file containing configuration for the extractor." ) argument_parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=f"{name} v{version}") args = argument_parser.parse_args() return cls(args.config[0], config_type) def _inject_cognite(self, local_part: _BaseConfig, remote_part: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: # We can not dump 'local_part.cognite' directly because e.g. 'data_set' may be set remote only... remote_part.setdefault("cognite", {}) remote_part["cognite"]["idp_authentication"] = dataclasses.asdict(local_part.cognite.idp_authentication) remote_part["cognite"]["extraction-pipeline"] = dataclasses.asdict( local_part.cognite.extraction_pipeline # type: ignore [arg-type] ) if is not None: remote_part["cognite"]["host"] = remote_part["cognite"]["project"] = local_part.cognite.project return remote_part def _use_cached_cognite_client(self, tmp_config: _BaseConfig) -> bool: # Ideally we'd check tmp_config == self._config, but due to 'is_remote & _inject_...', this is not # reliable to avoid new unneeded instantiations of CogniteClient: return ( self.cognite_client is not None and self._config is not None and == and tmp_config.cognite.project == self._config.cognite.project and tmp_config.cognite.idp_authentication == self._config.cognite.idp_authentication ) def _get_keyvault_loader(self) -> KeyVaultLoader: temp_config = _load_yaml_dict_raw(self._config_text) return KeyVaultLoader(temp_config.get("azure-keyvault", temp_config.get("key-vault"))) def _resolve_config(self) -> None: self._reload_file() if self.is_remote: _logger.debug("Loading remote config file") tmp_config: _BaseConfig = load_yaml(self._config_text, _BaseConfig) # type: ignore if self._use_cached_cognite_client(tmp_config): # Use existing client to avoid invoking a token refresh, if possible. Reason: this is run every 5 min # by default ('ConfigReloader' thread) which for certain OAuth providers like Auth0, incurs a cost: client = cast(CogniteClient, self.cognite_client) else: # Credentials towards CDF may have changed, instantiate (and store) a new client: client = self.cognite_client = tmp_config.cognite.get_cognite_client("config_resolver") response = client.extraction_pipelines.config.retrieve( tmp_config.cognite.get_extraction_pipeline(client).external_id # type: ignore # ignoring extpipe None ) if response.config is None: _logger.error("No config included in response from extraction pipelines") return self._next_config = _load_yaml( source=response.config, config_type=self.config_type, dict_manipulator=lambda d: self._inject_cognite(tmp_config, d), keyvault_loader=self._get_keyvault_loader(), ) else: _logger.debug("Loading local config file") self._next_config = load_yaml(self._config_text, self.config_type)