Source code for cognite.extractorutils.uploader.time_series

#  Copyright 2023 Cognite AS
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import math
from import Callable
from datetime import datetime
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any

from cognite.client import CogniteClient
from cognite.client.data_classes import (
from cognite.client.exceptions import CogniteDuplicatedError, CogniteNotFoundError
from cognite.extractorutils.threading import CancellationToken
from cognite.extractorutils.uploader._base import (
from cognite.extractorutils.uploader._metrics import (
from cognite.extractorutils.util import EitherId, cognite_exceptions, retry


TimeStamp = int | datetime

DataPointWithoutStatus = tuple[TimeStamp, float] | tuple[TimeStamp, str] | tuple[TimeStamp, int]
FullStatusCode = StatusCode | int
DataPointWithStatus = tuple[TimeStamp, float, FullStatusCode] | tuple[TimeStamp, str, FullStatusCode]
DataPoint = DataPointWithoutStatus | DataPointWithStatus
DataPointList = list[DataPoint]

[docs] def default_time_series_factory(external_id: str, datapoints: DataPointList) -> TimeSeries: """ Default time series factory used when create_missing in a TimeSeriesUploadQueue is given as a boolean. Args: external_id: External ID of time series to create datapoints: The list of datapoints that were tried to be inserted Returns: A TimeSeries object with external_id set, and the is_string automatically detected """ is_string = ( isinstance(datapoints[0].get("value"), str) if isinstance(datapoints[0], dict) else isinstance(datapoints[0][1], str) ) return TimeSeries(external_id=external_id, is_string=is_string)
[docs] class TimeSeriesUploadQueue(AbstractUploadQueue): """ Upload queue for time series Args: cdf_client: Cognite Data Fusion client to use post_upload_function: A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of dicts containing the datapoints that were uploaded (on the same format as the kwargs in datapoints upload in the Cognite SDK). max_queue_size: Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size. max_upload_interval: Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods). trigger_log_level: Log level to log upload triggers to. thread_name: Thread name of uploader thread. create_missing: Create missing time series if possible (ie, if external id is used). Either given as a boolean (True would auto-create a time series with nothing but an external ID), or as a factory function taking an external ID and a list of datapoints about to be inserted and returning a TimeSeries object. data_set_id: Data set id passed to create_missing. Does nothing if create_missing is False. If a custom timeseries creation method is set in create_missing, this is used as fallback if that method does not set data set id on its own. """ def __init__( self, cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[dict[str, str | DataPointList]]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = "DEBUG", thread_name: str | None = None, create_missing: Callable[[str, DataPointList], TimeSeries] | bool = False, data_set_id: int | None = None, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ): # Super sets post_upload and threshold super().__init__( cdf_client, post_upload_function, max_queue_size, max_upload_interval, trigger_log_level, thread_name, cancellation_token, ) self.missing_factory: Callable[[str, DataPointList], TimeSeries] if isinstance(create_missing, bool): self.create_missing = create_missing self.missing_factory = default_time_series_factory else: self.create_missing = True self.missing_factory = create_missing self.upload_queue: dict[EitherId, DataPointList] = {} self.points_queued = TIMESERIES_UPLOADER_POINTS_QUEUED self.points_written = TIMESERIES_UPLOADER_POINTS_WRITTEN self.queue_size = TIMESERIES_UPLOADER_QUEUE_SIZE self.data_set_id = data_set_id def _verify_datapoint_time(self, time: int | float | datetime | str) -> bool: if isinstance(time, int) or isinstance(time, float): return not math.isnan(time) and time >= MIN_DATAPOINT_TIMESTAMP elif isinstance(time, str): return False else: return time.timestamp() * 1000.0 >= MIN_DATAPOINT_TIMESTAMP def _verify_datapoint_value(self, value: int | float | datetime | str) -> bool: if isinstance(value, float): return not ( math.isnan(value) or math.isinf(value) or value > MAX_DATAPOINT_VALUE or value < MIN_DATAPOINT_VALUE ) elif isinstance(value, str): return len(value) <= MAX_DATAPOINT_STRING_LENGTH elif isinstance(value, datetime): return False else: return True def _is_datapoint_valid( self, dp: DataPoint, ) -> bool: if isinstance(dp, dict): return self._verify_datapoint_time(dp["timestamp"]) and self._verify_datapoint_value(dp["value"]) elif isinstance(dp, tuple): return self._verify_datapoint_time(dp[0]) and self._verify_datapoint_value(dp[1]) else: return True
[docs] def add_to_upload_queue( self, *, id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None, datapoints: DataPointList | None = None ) -> None: """ Add data points to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__. Args: id: Internal ID of time series. Either this or external_id must be set. external_id: External ID of time series. Either this or external_id must be set. datapoints: list of data points to add """ datapoints = datapoints or [] old_len = len(datapoints) datapoints = list(filter(self._is_datapoint_valid, datapoints)) new_len = len(datapoints) if old_len > new_len: diff = old_len - new_len self.logger.warning(f"Discarding {diff} datapoints due to bad timestamp or value") either_id = EitherId(id=id, external_id=external_id) with self.lock: if either_id not in self.upload_queue: self.upload_queue[either_id] = [] self.upload_queue[either_id].extend(datapoints) self.upload_queue_size += len(datapoints) self.queue_size.set(self.upload_queue_size) self._check_triggers()
[docs] def upload(self) -> None: """ Trigger an upload of the queue, clears queue afterwards """ @retry( exceptions=cognite_exceptions(), cancellation_token=self.cancellation_token, tries=RETRIES, delay=RETRY_DELAY, max_delay=RETRY_MAX_DELAY, backoff=RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR, ) def _upload_batch(upload_this: list[dict], retries: int = 5) -> list[dict]: if len(upload_this) == 0: return upload_this try: except CogniteNotFoundError as ex: if not retries: raise ex if not self.create_missing: self.logger.error("Could not upload data points to %s: %s", str(ex.not_found), str(ex)) # Get IDs of time series that exists, but failed because of the non-existing time series retry_these = [EitherId(**id_dict) for id_dict in ex.failed if id_dict not in ex.not_found] if self.create_missing: # Get the time series that can be created create_these_ids = set( [id_dict["externalId"] for id_dict in ex.not_found if "externalId" in id_dict] ) datapoints_lists: dict[str, DataPointList] = { ts_dict["externalId"]: ts_dict["datapoints"] for ts_dict in upload_this if ts_dict["externalId"] in create_these_ids }"Creating {len(create_these_ids)} time series") to_create: list[TimeSeries] = [ self.missing_factory(external_id, datapoints_lists[external_id]) for external_id in create_these_ids ] if self.data_set_id is not None: for ts in to_create: if ts.data_set_id is None: ts.data_set_id = self.data_set_id self.cdf_client.time_series.create(to_create) retry_these.extend([EitherId(external_id=i) for i in create_these_ids]) if len(ex.not_found) != len(create_these_ids): missing = [id_dict for id_dict in ex.not_found if id_dict.get("externalId") not in retry_these] missing_num = len(ex.not_found) - len(create_these_ids) self.logger.error( f"{missing_num} time series not found, and could not be created automatically: " + str(missing) + " Data will be dropped" ) # Remove entries with non-existing time series from upload queue upload_this = [ entry for entry in upload_this if EitherId(id=entry.get("id"), external_id=entry.get("externalId")) in retry_these ] # Upload remaining _upload_batch(upload_this, retries - 1) return upload_this if len(self.upload_queue) == 0: return with self.lock: upload_this = _upload_batch( [ {either_id.type(): either_id.content(), "datapoints": list(datapoints)} for either_id, datapoints in self.upload_queue.items() if len(datapoints) > 0 ] ) for _either_id, datapoints in self.upload_queue.items(): try: self._post_upload(upload_this) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error in upload callback: %s", str(e)) self.upload_queue.clear()"Uploaded {self.upload_queue_size} datapoints") self.upload_queue_size = 0 self.queue_size.set(self.upload_queue_size)
def __enter__(self) -> "TimeSeriesUploadQueue": """ Wraps around start method, for use as context manager Returns: self """ self.start() return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None ) -> None: """ Wraps around stop method, for use as context manager Args: exc_type: Exception type exc_val: Exception value exc_tb: Traceback """ self.stop() def __len__(self) -> int: """ The size of the upload queue Returns: Number of data points in queue """ return self.upload_queue_size
[docs] class SequenceUploadQueue(AbstractUploadQueue): def __init__( self, cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Callable[[list[Any]], None] | None = None, max_queue_size: int | None = None, max_upload_interval: int | None = None, trigger_log_level: str = "DEBUG", thread_name: str | None = None, create_missing: bool = False, cancellation_token: CancellationToken | None = None, ): """ Args: cdf_client: Cognite Data Fusion client to use post_upload_function: A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded. max_queue_size: Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size. max_upload_interval: Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods). trigger_log_level: Log level to log upload triggers to. thread_name: Thread name of uploader thread. create_missing: Create missing sequences if possible (ie, if external id is used) """ # Super sets post_upload and threshold super().__init__( cdf_client, post_upload_function, max_queue_size, max_upload_interval, trigger_log_level, thread_name, cancellation_token, ) self.upload_queue: dict[EitherId, SequenceRows] = {} self.sequence_metadata: dict[EitherId, dict[str, str | int | float]] = {} self.sequence_asset_external_ids: dict[EitherId, str] = {} self.sequence_dataset_external_ids: dict[EitherId, str] = {} self.sequence_names: dict[EitherId, str] = {} self.sequence_descriptions: dict[EitherId, str] = {} self.column_definitions: dict[EitherId, list[dict[str, str]]] = {} self.asset_ids: dict[str, int] = {} self.dataset_ids: dict[str, int] = {} self.create_missing = create_missing self.points_queued = SEQUENCES_UPLOADER_POINTS_QUEUED self.points_written = SEQUENCES_UPLOADER_POINTS_WRITTEN self.queue_size = SEQUENCES_UPLOADER_QUEUE_SIZE
[docs] def set_sequence_metadata( self, metadata: dict[str, str | int | float], id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None, asset_external_id: str | None = None, dataset_external_id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Set sequence metadata. Metadata will be cached until the sequence is created. The metadata will be updated if the sequence already exists Args: metadata: Sequence metadata id: Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None external_id: Sequence external ID Use if id is None asset_external_id: Sequence asset external ID dataset_external_id: Sequence dataset external ID name: Sequence name description: Sequence description """ either_id = EitherId(id=id, external_id=external_id) self.sequence_metadata[either_id] = metadata if asset_external_id: self.sequence_asset_external_ids[either_id] = asset_external_id if dataset_external_id: self.sequence_dataset_external_ids[either_id] = dataset_external_id if name: self.sequence_names[either_id] = name if description: self.sequence_descriptions[either_id] = description
[docs] def set_sequence_column_definition( self, col_def: list[dict[str, str]], id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None ) -> None: """ Set sequence column definition Args: col_def: Sequence column definition id: Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None external_id: Sequence external ID Us if id is None """ either_id = EitherId(id=id, external_id=external_id) self.column_definitions[either_id] = col_def
[docs] def add_to_upload_queue( self, rows: dict[int, list[int | float | str]] | list[tuple[int, int | float | str]] | list[dict[str, Any]] | SequenceData | SequenceRows, column_external_ids: list[dict] | None = None, id: int | None = None, external_id: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Add sequence rows to upload queue. Mirrors implementation of SequenceApi.insert. Inserted rows will be cached until uploaded Args: rows: The rows to be inserted. Can either be a list of tuples, a list of ["rownumber": ..., "values": ...] objects, a dictionary of rowNumber: data, or a SequenceData object. column_external_ids: list of external id for the columns of the sequence id: Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None external_id: Sequence external ID Us if id is None """ if len(rows) == 0: pass either_id = EitherId(id=id, external_id=external_id) if isinstance(rows, SequenceRows): # Already in the desired format pass elif isinstance(rows, dict | list): rows_raw: list[dict[str, Any]] if isinstance(rows, dict): rows_raw = [{"rowNumber": row_number, "values": values} for row_number, values in rows.items()] elif isinstance(rows, list) and rows and isinstance(rows[0], tuple | list): rows_raw = [{"rowNumber": row_number, "values": values} for row_number, values in rows] else: rows_raw = rows # type: ignore[assignment] rows = SequenceRows.load( { "rows": rows_raw, "columns": column_external_ids, "id": id, "externalId": external_id, } ) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type for sequence rows: {type(rows)}") with self.lock: seq = self.upload_queue.get(either_id) if seq is not None: # Update sequence seq.rows.extend(rows.rows) # type: ignore[attr-defined] self.upload_queue[either_id] = seq else: self.upload_queue[either_id] = rows self.upload_queue_size = sum([len(rows) for rows in self.upload_queue.values()]) self.queue_size.set(self.upload_queue_size)
[docs] def upload(self) -> None: """ Trigger an upload of the queue, clears queue afterwards """ @retry( exceptions=cognite_exceptions(), cancellation_token=self.cancellation_token, tries=RETRIES, delay=RETRY_DELAY, max_delay=RETRY_MAX_DELAY, backoff=RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR, ) def _upload_single(either_id: EitherId, upload_this: SequenceData) -> SequenceData: self.logger.debug(f"Writing {len(upload_this.values)} rows to sequence {either_id}") try: id=either_id.internal_id, external_id=either_id.external_id, rows=upload_this, column_external_ids=None, ) except CogniteNotFoundError as ex: if self.create_missing: # Create missing sequence self._create_or_update(either_id) # Retry id=either_id.internal_id, external_id=either_id.external_id, rows=upload_this, column_external_ids=None, ) else: raise ex return upload_this if len(self.upload_queue) == 0: return with self.lock: if self.create_missing: self._resolve_asset_ids() self._resolve_dataset_ids() for either_id, upload_this in self.upload_queue.items(): _upload_single(either_id, upload_this) try: self._post_upload([seqdata for _, seqdata in self.upload_queue.items()]) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error in upload callback: %s", str(e))"Uploaded {self.upload_queue_size} sequence rows") self.upload_queue.clear() self.upload_queue_size = 0 self.queue_size.set(self.upload_queue_size)
def _create_or_update(self, either_id: EitherId) -> None: """ Create or update sequence, based on provided metadata and column definitions Args: either_id: Id/External Id of sequence to be updated """ column_def = self.column_definitions.get(either_id) if column_def is None: self.logger.error(f"Can't create sequence {str(either_id)}, no column definitions provided") try: seq = self.cdf_client.sequences.create( Sequence( id=either_id.internal_id, external_id=either_id.external_id, name=self.sequence_names.get(either_id, None), description=self.sequence_descriptions.get(either_id, None), metadata=self.sequence_metadata.get(either_id, None), asset_id=self.asset_ids.get(self.sequence_asset_external_ids.get(either_id, None), None), # type: ignore data_set_id=self.dataset_ids.get(self.sequence_dataset_external_ids.get(either_id, None), None), # type: ignore columns=column_def, # type: ignore # We already checked for None, mypy is wrong ) ) except CogniteDuplicatedError:"Sequnce already exist: {either_id}") seq = self.cdf_client.sequences.retrieve( # type: ignore [assignment] id=either_id.internal_id, external_id=either_id.external_id, ) # Update definition of cached sequence cseq = self.upload_queue[either_id] cseq.columns = seq.columns # type: ignore[assignment] def _resolve_asset_ids(self) -> None: """ Resolve id of assets if specified, for use in sequence creation """ assets = set(self.sequence_asset_external_ids.values()) assets.discard(None) # type: ignore # safeguard, remove Nones if any if len(assets) > 0: try: self.asset_ids = { asset.external_id: for asset in self.cdf_client.assets.retrieve_multiple( external_ids=list(assets), ignore_unknown_ids=True ) if is not None and asset.external_id is not None } except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error in resolving asset id: %s", str(e)) self.asset_ids = {} def _resolve_dataset_ids(self) -> None: """ Resolve id of datasets if specified, for use in sequence creation """ datasets = set(self.sequence_dataset_external_ids.values()) datasets.discard(None) # type: ignore # safeguard, remove Nones if any if len(datasets) > 0: try: self.dataset_ids = { dataset.external_id: for dataset in self.cdf_client.data_sets.retrieve_multiple( external_ids=list(datasets), ignore_unknown_ids=True ) if is not None and dataset.external_id is not None } except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error in resolving dataset id: %s", str(e)) self.dataset_ids = {} def __enter__(self) -> "SequenceUploadQueue": """ Wraps around start method, for use as context manager Returns: self """ self.start() return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None ) -> None: """ Wraps around stop method, for use as context manager Args: exc_type: Exception type exc_val: Exception value exc_tb: Traceback """ self.stop() def __len__(self) -> int: """ The size of the upload queue Returns: Number of data points in queue """ return self.upload_queue_size