Source code for cognite.extractorutils.uploader.time_series

#  Copyright 2023 Cognite AS
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import math
from datetime import datetime
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

from cognite.client import CogniteClient
from cognite.client.data_classes import (
from cognite.client.exceptions import CogniteDuplicatedError, CogniteNotFoundError
from cognite.extractorutils.threading import CancellationToken
from cognite.extractorutils.uploader._base import (
from cognite.extractorutils.uploader._metrics import (
from cognite.extractorutils.util import EitherId, cognite_exceptions, retry


TimeStamp = Union[int, datetime]

DataPointWithoutStatus = Union[Tuple[TimeStamp, float], Tuple[TimeStamp, str], Tuple[TimeStamp, int]]
FullStatusCode = Union[StatusCode, int]
DataPointWithStatus = Union[Tuple[TimeStamp, float, FullStatusCode], Tuple[TimeStamp, str, FullStatusCode]]
DataPoint = Union[DataPointWithoutStatus, DataPointWithStatus]
DataPointList = List[DataPoint]

[docs] def default_time_series_factory(external_id: str, datapoints: DataPointList) -> TimeSeries: """ Default time series factory used when create_missing in a TimeSeriesUploadQueue is given as a boolean. Args: external_id: External ID of time series to create datapoints: The list of datapoints that were tried to be inserted Returns: A TimeSeries object with external_id set, and the is_string automatically detected """ is_string = ( isinstance(datapoints[0].get("value"), str) # type: ignore # input might be dict to keep compatibility if isinstance(datapoints[0], dict) else isinstance(datapoints[0][1], str) ) return TimeSeries(external_id=external_id, is_string=is_string)
[docs] class TimeSeriesUploadQueue(AbstractUploadQueue): """ Upload queue for time series Args: cdf_client: Cognite Data Fusion client to use post_upload_function: A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of dicts containing the datapoints that were uploaded (on the same format as the kwargs in datapoints upload in the Cognite SDK). max_queue_size: Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size. max_upload_interval: Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods). trigger_log_level: Log level to log upload triggers to. thread_name: Thread name of uploader thread. create_missing: Create missing time series if possible (ie, if external id is used). Either given as a boolean (True would auto-create a time series with nothing but an external ID), or as a factory function taking an external ID and a list of datapoints about to be inserted and returning a TimeSeries object. data_set_id: Data set id passed to create_missing. Does nothing if create_missing is False. If a custom timeseries creation method is set in create_missing, this is used as fallback if that method does not set data set id on its own. """ def __init__( self, cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Optional[Callable[[List[Dict[str, Union[str, DataPointList]]]], None]] = None, max_queue_size: Optional[int] = None, max_upload_interval: Optional[int] = None, trigger_log_level: str = "DEBUG", thread_name: Optional[str] = None, create_missing: Union[Callable[[str, DataPointList], TimeSeries], bool] = False, data_set_id: Optional[int] = None, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken] = None, ): # Super sets post_upload and threshold super().__init__( cdf_client, post_upload_function, max_queue_size, max_upload_interval, trigger_log_level, thread_name, cancellation_token, ) self.missing_factory: Callable[[str, DataPointList], TimeSeries] if isinstance(create_missing, bool): self.create_missing = create_missing self.missing_factory = default_time_series_factory else: self.create_missing = True self.missing_factory = create_missing self.upload_queue: Dict[EitherId, DataPointList] = {} self.points_queued = TIMESERIES_UPLOADER_POINTS_QUEUED self.points_written = TIMESERIES_UPLOADER_POINTS_WRITTEN self.queue_size = TIMESERIES_UPLOADER_QUEUE_SIZE self.data_set_id = data_set_id def _verify_datapoint_time(self, time: Union[int, float, datetime, str]) -> bool: if isinstance(time, int) or isinstance(time, float): return not math.isnan(time) and time >= MIN_DATAPOINT_TIMESTAMP elif isinstance(time, str): return False else: return time.timestamp() * 1000.0 >= MIN_DATAPOINT_TIMESTAMP def _verify_datapoint_value(self, value: Union[int, float, datetime, str]) -> bool: if isinstance(value, float): return not ( math.isnan(value) or math.isinf(value) or value > MAX_DATAPOINT_VALUE or value < MIN_DATAPOINT_VALUE ) elif isinstance(value, str): return len(value) <= MAX_DATAPOINT_STRING_LENGTH elif isinstance(value, datetime): return False else: return True def _is_datapoint_valid( self, dp: DataPoint, ) -> bool: if isinstance(dp, dict): return self._verify_datapoint_time(dp["timestamp"]) and self._verify_datapoint_value(dp["value"]) elif isinstance(dp, tuple): return self._verify_datapoint_time(dp[0]) and self._verify_datapoint_value(dp[1]) else: return True
[docs] def add_to_upload_queue( self, *, id: Optional[int] = None, external_id: Optional[str] = None, datapoints: Optional[DataPointList] = None ) -> None: """ Add data points to upload queue. The queue will be uploaded if the queue size is larger than the threshold specified in the __init__. Args: id: Internal ID of time series. Either this or external_id must be set. external_id: External ID of time series. Either this or external_id must be set. datapoints: List of data points to add """ datapoints = datapoints or [] old_len = len(datapoints) datapoints = list(filter(self._is_datapoint_valid, datapoints)) new_len = len(datapoints) if old_len > new_len: diff = old_len - new_len self.logger.warning(f"Discarding {diff} datapoints due to bad timestamp or value") either_id = EitherId(id=id, external_id=external_id) with self.lock: if either_id not in self.upload_queue: self.upload_queue[either_id] = [] self.upload_queue[either_id].extend(datapoints) self.upload_queue_size += len(datapoints) self.queue_size.set(self.upload_queue_size) self._check_triggers()
[docs] def upload(self) -> None: """ Trigger an upload of the queue, clears queue afterwards """ @retry( exceptions=cognite_exceptions(), cancellation_token=self.cancellation_token, tries=RETRIES, delay=RETRY_DELAY, max_delay=RETRY_MAX_DELAY, backoff=RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR, ) def _upload_batch(upload_this: List[Dict], retries: int = 5) -> List[Dict]: if len(upload_this) == 0: return upload_this try: except CogniteNotFoundError as ex: if not retries: raise ex if not self.create_missing: self.logger.error("Could not upload data points to %s: %s", str(ex.not_found), str(ex)) # Get IDs of time series that exists, but failed because of the non-existing time series retry_these = [EitherId(**id_dict) for id_dict in ex.failed if id_dict not in ex.not_found] if self.create_missing: # Get the time series that can be created create_these_ids = set( [id_dict["externalId"] for id_dict in ex.not_found if "externalId" in id_dict] ) datapoints_lists: Dict[str, DataPointList] = { ts_dict["externalId"]: ts_dict["datapoints"] for ts_dict in upload_this if ts_dict["externalId"] in create_these_ids }"Creating {len(create_these_ids)} time series") to_create: List[TimeSeries] = [ self.missing_factory(external_id, datapoints_lists[external_id]) for external_id in create_these_ids ] if self.data_set_id is not None: for ts in to_create: if ts.data_set_id is None: ts.data_set_id = self.data_set_id self.cdf_client.time_series.create(to_create) retry_these.extend([EitherId(external_id=i) for i in create_these_ids]) if len(ex.not_found) != len(create_these_ids): missing = [id_dict for id_dict in ex.not_found if id_dict.get("externalId") not in retry_these] missing_num = len(ex.not_found) - len(create_these_ids) self.logger.error( f"{missing_num} time series not found, and could not be created automatically: " + str(missing) + " Data will be dropped" ) # Remove entries with non-existing time series from upload queue upload_this = [ entry for entry in upload_this if EitherId(id=entry.get("id"), external_id=entry.get("externalId")) in retry_these ] # Upload remaining _upload_batch(upload_this, retries - 1) return upload_this if len(self.upload_queue) == 0: return with self.lock: upload_this = _upload_batch( [ {either_id.type(): either_id.content(), "datapoints": list(datapoints)} for either_id, datapoints in self.upload_queue.items() if len(datapoints) > 0 ] ) for _either_id, datapoints in self.upload_queue.items(): try: self._post_upload(upload_this) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error in upload callback: %s", str(e)) self.upload_queue.clear()"Uploaded {self.upload_queue_size} datapoints") self.upload_queue_size = 0 self.queue_size.set(self.upload_queue_size)
def __enter__(self) -> "TimeSeriesUploadQueue": """ Wraps around start method, for use as context manager Returns: self """ self.start() return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType] ) -> None: """ Wraps around stop method, for use as context manager Args: exc_type: Exception type exc_val: Exception value exc_tb: Traceback """ self.stop() def __len__(self) -> int: """ The size of the upload queue Returns: Number of data points in queue """ return self.upload_queue_size
[docs] class SequenceUploadQueue(AbstractUploadQueue): def __init__( self, cdf_client: CogniteClient, post_upload_function: Optional[Callable[[List[Any]], None]] = None, max_queue_size: Optional[int] = None, max_upload_interval: Optional[int] = None, trigger_log_level: str = "DEBUG", thread_name: Optional[str] = None, create_missing: bool = False, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken] = None, ): """ Args: cdf_client: Cognite Data Fusion client to use post_upload_function: A function that will be called after each upload. The function will be given one argument: A list of the events that were uploaded. max_queue_size: Maximum size of upload queue. Defaults to no max size. max_upload_interval: Automatically trigger an upload each m seconds when run as a thread (use start/stop methods). trigger_log_level: Log level to log upload triggers to. thread_name: Thread name of uploader thread. create_missing: Create missing sequences if possible (ie, if external id is used) """ # Super sets post_upload and threshold super().__init__( cdf_client, post_upload_function, max_queue_size, max_upload_interval, trigger_log_level, thread_name, cancellation_token, ) self.upload_queue: Dict[EitherId, SequenceRows] = {} self.sequence_metadata: Dict[EitherId, Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]] = {} self.sequence_asset_external_ids: Dict[EitherId, str] = {} self.sequence_dataset_external_ids: Dict[EitherId, str] = {} self.sequence_names: Dict[EitherId, str] = {} self.sequence_descriptions: Dict[EitherId, str] = {} self.column_definitions: Dict[EitherId, List[Dict[str, str]]] = {} self.asset_ids: Dict[str, int] = {} self.dataset_ids: Dict[str, int] = {} self.create_missing = create_missing self.points_queued = SEQUENCES_UPLOADER_POINTS_QUEUED self.points_written = SEQUENCES_UPLOADER_POINTS_WRITTEN self.queue_size = SEQUENCES_UPLOADER_QUEUE_SIZE
[docs] def set_sequence_metadata( self, metadata: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]], id: Optional[int] = None, external_id: Optional[str] = None, asset_external_id: Optional[str] = None, dataset_external_id: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Set sequence metadata. Metadata will be cached until the sequence is created. The metadata will be updated if the sequence already exists Args: metadata: Sequence metadata id: Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None external_id: Sequence external ID Use if id is None asset_external_id: Sequence asset external ID dataset_external_id: Sequence dataset external ID name: Sequence name description: Sequence description """ either_id = EitherId(id=id, external_id=external_id) self.sequence_metadata[either_id] = metadata if asset_external_id: self.sequence_asset_external_ids[either_id] = asset_external_id if dataset_external_id: self.sequence_dataset_external_ids[either_id] = dataset_external_id if name: self.sequence_names[either_id] = name if description: self.sequence_descriptions[either_id] = description
[docs] def set_sequence_column_definition( self, col_def: List[Dict[str, str]], id: Optional[int] = None, external_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Set sequence column definition Args: col_def: Sequence column definition id: Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None external_id: Sequence external ID Us if id is None """ either_id = EitherId(id=id, external_id=external_id) self.column_definitions[either_id] = col_def
[docs] def add_to_upload_queue( self, rows: Union[ Dict[int, List[Union[int, float, str]]], List[Tuple[int, Union[int, float, str]]], List[Dict[str, Any]], SequenceData, SequenceRows, ], column_external_ids: Optional[List[dict]] = None, id: Optional[int] = None, external_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Add sequence rows to upload queue. Mirrors implementation of SequenceApi.insert. Inserted rows will be cached until uploaded Args: rows: The rows to be inserted. Can either be a list of tuples, a list of ["rownumber": ..., "values": ...] objects, a dictionary of rowNumber: data, or a SequenceData object. column_external_ids: List of external id for the columns of the sequence id: Sequence internal ID Use if external_id is None external_id: Sequence external ID Us if id is None """ if len(rows) == 0: pass either_id = EitherId(id=id, external_id=external_id) if isinstance(rows, SequenceRows): # Already in the desired format pass elif isinstance(rows, (dict, list)): rows_raw: List[Dict[str, Any]] if isinstance(rows, dict): rows_raw = [{"rowNumber": row_number, "values": values} for row_number, values in rows.items()] elif isinstance(rows, list) and rows and isinstance(rows[0], (tuple, list)): rows_raw = [{"rowNumber": row_number, "values": values} for row_number, values in rows] else: rows_raw = rows # type: ignore[assignment] rows = SequenceRows.load( { "rows": rows_raw, "columns": column_external_ids, "id": id, "externalId": external_id, } ) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type for sequence rows: {}".format(type(rows))) with self.lock: seq = self.upload_queue.get(either_id) if seq is not None: # Update sequence seq.rows.extend(rows.rows) # type: ignore[attr-defined] self.upload_queue[either_id] = seq else: self.upload_queue[either_id] = rows self.upload_queue_size = sum([len(rows) for rows in self.upload_queue.values()]) self.queue_size.set(self.upload_queue_size)
[docs] def upload(self) -> None: """ Trigger an upload of the queue, clears queue afterwards """ @retry( exceptions=cognite_exceptions(), cancellation_token=self.cancellation_token, tries=RETRIES, delay=RETRY_DELAY, max_delay=RETRY_MAX_DELAY, backoff=RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR, ) def _upload_single(either_id: EitherId, upload_this: SequenceData) -> SequenceData: self.logger.debug("Writing {} rows to sequence {}".format(len(upload_this.values), either_id)) try: id=either_id.internal_id, external_id=either_id.external_id, rows=upload_this, column_external_ids=None, ) except CogniteNotFoundError as ex: if self.create_missing: # Create missing sequence self._create_or_update(either_id) # Retry id=either_id.internal_id, external_id=either_id.external_id, rows=upload_this, column_external_ids=None, ) else: raise ex return upload_this if len(self.upload_queue) == 0: return with self.lock: if self.create_missing: self._resolve_asset_ids() self._resolve_dataset_ids() for either_id, upload_this in self.upload_queue.items(): _upload_single(either_id, upload_this) try: self._post_upload([seqdata for _, seqdata in self.upload_queue.items()]) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error in upload callback: %s", str(e))"Uploaded {self.upload_queue_size} sequence rows") self.upload_queue.clear() self.upload_queue_size = 0 self.queue_size.set(self.upload_queue_size)
def _create_or_update(self, either_id: EitherId) -> None: """ Create or update sequence, based on provided metadata and column definitions Args: either_id: Id/External Id of sequence to be updated """ column_def = self.column_definitions.get(either_id) if column_def is None: self.logger.error(f"Can't create sequence {str(either_id)}, no column definitions provided") try: seq = self.cdf_client.sequences.create( Sequence( id=either_id.internal_id, external_id=either_id.external_id, name=self.sequence_names.get(either_id, None), description=self.sequence_descriptions.get(either_id, None), metadata=self.sequence_metadata.get(either_id, None), asset_id=self.asset_ids.get(self.sequence_asset_external_ids.get(either_id, None), None), # type: ignore data_set_id=self.dataset_ids.get(self.sequence_dataset_external_ids.get(either_id, None), None), # type: ignore columns=column_def, # type: ignore # We already checked for None, mypy is wrong ) ) except CogniteDuplicatedError:"Sequnce already exist: {}".format(either_id)) seq = self.cdf_client.sequences.retrieve( # type: ignore [assignment] id=either_id.internal_id, external_id=either_id.external_id, ) # Update definition of cached sequence cseq = self.upload_queue[either_id] cseq.columns = seq.columns # type: ignore[assignment] def _resolve_asset_ids(self) -> None: """ Resolve id of assets if specified, for use in sequence creation """ assets = set(self.sequence_asset_external_ids.values()) assets.discard(None) # type: ignore # safeguard, remove Nones if any if len(assets) > 0: try: self.asset_ids = { asset.external_id: for asset in self.cdf_client.assets.retrieve_multiple( external_ids=list(assets), ignore_unknown_ids=True ) if is not None and asset.external_id is not None } except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error in resolving asset id: %s", str(e)) self.asset_ids = {} def _resolve_dataset_ids(self) -> None: """ Resolve id of datasets if specified, for use in sequence creation """ datasets = set(self.sequence_dataset_external_ids.values()) datasets.discard(None) # type: ignore # safeguard, remove Nones if any if len(datasets) > 0: try: self.dataset_ids = { dataset.external_id: for dataset in self.cdf_client.data_sets.retrieve_multiple( external_ids=list(datasets), ignore_unknown_ids=True ) if is not None and dataset.external_id is not None } except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error in resolving dataset id: %s", str(e)) self.dataset_ids = {} def __enter__(self) -> "SequenceUploadQueue": """ Wraps around start method, for use as context manager Returns: self """ self.start() return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType] ) -> None: """ Wraps around stop method, for use as context manager Args: exc_type: Exception type exc_val: Exception value exc_tb: Traceback """ self.stop() def __len__(self) -> int: """ The size of the upload queue Returns: Number of data points in queue """ return self.upload_queue_size